Chapter Thirty Six

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"who wants a nice warm glass of watermelon juice?" Katara asked everyone, Cara held her head, feeling like something had hit it, she woke up in an unfamiliar room on a bed, she got up and went to the voices, she opened the door and walked outside.

"Cara!" Toph yelled as she hugged Cara, who chuckled and hugged her back "I'm so sorry I've being away so long" she apologised to everyone, who accepted it "so what are you guys doing?" she asked grabbing a watermelon and drinking from it.

"oh we was about to go to the beach" Sokka says excitedly, Cara heard Zuko groan and wondered why, but focused on Sokka "you lot go to beach ill meet you there" she says and others go to the beach leaving Zuko and her alone "what's got you so grumpy?" she asked the fire bender.

"they're treating this as a joke, we don't have time to waste, Sozins comet is 3 days away, and they're wasting time at the beach!" he moaned kicking a bucket in frustration "wait a minute, three days, that's as long as we got?" she asked in surprise and Zuko nodded "that's why I'm frustrated, go join your friends ill be there soon" he stated, and Cara just left to go to her friends.

"what do you think of my Appa sand sculpture?" Aang asked as Cara walked up to the beach "not, bad baldy" Toph says as she cracked her knuckles "but I've being working on my sand bending, you're gonna love this" she says as she made a sand sculpture of Cara.

"whoa" Aang said surprised at the detail of the sculpture "you even got that little mole on her neck, wow" he complimented, Cara walked up to Toph and hugged her from behind "aww Toph, how sweet" the water bender says as she kissed Toph's cheek "I'd better make a sculpture of you" Cara says as she bended some of the ocean water and made a ice sculpture next to Toph's sand sculpture.

The ice sculpture was hugging the sand sculpture as it kissed its cheek "Cara, its brilliant" Toph says bringing the water bender into a kiss "thank you, my little earth bender" she says as they walk over to Sokka "try and top that Sokka" Toph says as Sokka presented his sand sculpture, but it looked like a blob.

"what's it ment to be, a sand blubber fish?" Cara asked "no its Suki!" he says stopping his foot into the sand, the three started laughing "Suki, we'll all understand if you break up with him over this" Toph says through laughter, Suki just smiled as she looked at the sand sculpture "I think it's sweet" she says making Sokka slide over to her and kiss her cheek "but it doesn't even look like-" Aang was cut off by a fire ball making the sculpture explode, they looked up to see Zuko as he jumped down launching more fire balls at Aang who dodged them.

Zuko's attacks destroyed every sand sculpture including Toph's sand Cara and Clara's ice Toph making them a little mad "what are you doing?" Aang asked as the he hid behind his sand Appa "teaching you a lesson" he says as he follows Aang up the cliff "what's happend?" Katara asks as she came to shore from surfing " zuko's gone crazy!" Sokka says as he dug through his sand sculpture " I made a sculpture Suki and he destroyed it!" he whined "oh and his attacking Aang"

"not for evil purposes though" Cara commented as they ran up to house, once they got there, they saw Zuko on the ground holding his head "what's wrong with you? You could of hurt Aang!" Katara says angrily.

"what's wrong with me?!" Zuko yells getting up "what's wrong with you? How can you sit around having beach parties when Sozin's comet is only three days away?" he asked in a frustrated voice.

"he does raise a good point guys, why are we having beach parties?" Cara asked standing next to Zuko "why are you all looking at me like I'm crazy?" he asked

"about Sozin's comet-i was actually gonna wait to fight the fire lord until after it came" Anag explained making Cara and Zuko go wide eyed "after?" they said in surprise.

"Cara both of us know we're not ready to face the fire lord, I need more time to master fire bending and you need more time to know how to control it" he says towards Cara "and frankly, your earth bending could still use some work, too" Toph added on.

"so, you all knew Aang was gonna wait?" Cara asked narrowing her eyes "honestly, if you both try to fight the fire lord now, you're gonna lose, no offence" Sokka says stepping forward "the whole point of fighting the fire lord before the comet was to stop the fire nation from winning the war, but they pretty much won the war when they took Ba Sing Sa, things can't get any worse" Katara explained as she looked down, remembering that day full of fear and sadness.

"you're wrong" Zuko says making the Gaang look at him again "it's about to get worse then you can even imagine" he says before going into a story about how the fire lord was going to use Sozen's comet to destroy the earth kingdom "oh my spirits" Cara said in shock "I can't believe this" Katara says dropping to the floor on her knees "I always knew the fire lord was a bad guy but his plan is just pure evil" Sokka says shaking his head.

"what are we gonna do?" Aang asked referring to him and Cara "I know your both scared" Zuko says waking up to Aang as Cara followed and stood next to her friend "and I know the two of you aren't ready go save the world, but if you don't defeat the fire lord before the comet comes, there won't be a world to save anymore"

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