Chapter Thirteen

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In the early hours of the morning Cara was woken up by Pathik "come on get up we're going to a cave" he said and went over to wake up Aang.

Cara slowly got up and rubbed her eyes of sleep "it's to early" she moaned and layed back down "to fully understand the Avatar state in time for the fight with the fire nation, you must use every second wisely" Pathik said and pocked Cara with a staff.

"stop OK I'm up" Cara said knocking the staff away from her, standing up and stretching.

"good, now let's get walking" Pathik said and began walking, Aang looked at Cara and saw she was so tired, her brown hair was all messy and slightly covering her eyes, her pale blue eyes full of sleep and barely open.

"do you want me to carry you?" Aang asked, he was sort of use to been up early because of the monks "you sure?" she asked, her voice low and raspy.

"yeah, come on" Cara made her way towards Aang and he gave her a piggy bag "am I to heavy?" Cara asked and Aang shook his head "your as light as a feather" Aang smiled as he followed Pathik towards the cave, Cara slept all the way.

Once they got there, Aang woke Cara up and she did feel better with the extra sleep she got.

"come, sit we must talk about the chakras" the Guru said and both Avatars sat down opposite him.

"there are seven Chakras that go up the body, each pool of energy has its purpose, and can be blocked by a specific kind of emotional muck, be warned..... Opening the chakras is the an intense experience, and once you begin this process, you cannot stop until all seven are open, are you ready?" the guru asked them both.

Cara didn't really feel like she needed to be here, it was Aang who was going to defeat the fire lord, not some blind half Avatar water bender, Cara looked down while her thoughts clouded her mind, Aang sighed and looked at the guru with a determined face "I'll do whatever it takes" the air bender said.

The guru looked towards Cara waiting for her response, Cara could sense his eyes on her and she sighed "look, I know that doing this could help us be better but why am I here, I can only bend two elements and Aang has way more of a chance at fighting the fire lord then I do" the Water bender admitted, and the guru smiled and Cara wondered why.

"everyone has their place and specific things they need to do, just because you are not as powerful, doesn't mean you will not help a great deal, by opening your chakras, you will understand your elements more and become extremely powerful" he said and Cara took a deep breath before returning her eyes in the gurus general direction "ok I'm ready"

Both Avatars got into position with their legs crossed and waited for the guru to guide them "first we will open the earth chakra, located at the base of the spine, it deals with survival and is blocked by fear"

As Cara closed her eyes memories of fear began to go all around her mind, the times she nearly lost her friends, when Azula nearly killed her and visions of Toph dying in several ways made her scream before she sensed the fire Lord before her making her quake on the spot "Aang, Cara, your visions are not real, you are concerned for your survival, but you must surrender those fears flow down the creek"

Both Avatars took a deep breath and surrendered their fear of the fire lord, the imposing vision going from their minds, they both felt a sort of Serenity wash over them.

"you both have opened your earth chakras, now come we must go some place else" the three then moved inside a water fall "next is the water chakra" Aang finished for the guru who smiled "yes brilliant, maybe one day you will be a guru, too.... This chakra deals with pleasure, and is blocked by guilt, now, look at the guilt that burdens you both what do you blame yourself for"

Cara looked through her mind and brought up long forgotten moments of guilt "I... I left someone behind" she said and felt the guilt of leaving her mother at the northern water tribe, her mind then cut to the time when Long feng forced her into the Avatar state and nearly killed her friends and Toph "I I could of killed Toph" she said in a low voice, feeling the small pellets of water fall down her cheek.

"accept the reality that these things happened, but do not let them cloud and poison your energy, if you are to be a positive influence on the world, you need to forgive yourself"

Cara then began thinking of her mother, about how she cared for her and imaged the woman before her "Cara, my sweet daughter" Cara looked up and sensed that her mother was before her, the brown haired girl could feel the blinding light before her "m mum?" Cara then felt soft hands bring her into a hug "yes, it's me" her mother said in a sweet voice.

Cara then let more tears fall from her eyes but in the real world she was still on the ground, her eyes closed letting the tears out.

"I'm sorry I left you, mum I I just couldn't take the ridicule and constant babying, a an-" Cara got cut off as her mother placed her finger on Cara's mouth a soft laugh coming from the Woman "it was your destiny to meet Avatar Aang and I forgave you long ago, I know we will meet again so untill then, be the brave girl I know and take back what the Fire nation have done" Cara's mother then placed a kiss on Cara's head before disappearing into the spirit world again.

Cara then opened her eyes in the real world and felt like she was more happy, and becoming one with her spiritual self.

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