chapter two

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Its being quite some time since team Avatar was formed and there journey is still on going.

Along the way they discovered that Aang and Cara are linked, both possessing the power of the Avatar because the spirits saw great strength in both and decided that to defeat the mighty fire nation the world will need two Avatars and therefore Aang and Cara were destined to meet each other but while Aang can control all four elements Cara can only control two, water and air.

When Cara goes into the Avatar state her two elements become over powering to any one who dares cross her path while in this state.

The Team has just cleared Aangs name in an unfair trial after this they needed to find Aang an earth bending teacher after learning water bending.

Caras pov

"It's pricey but I really do like it" Sokka was trying to decided if he should get a new bag and he was taking forever

" just get the stupid bag if you want it" I said annoyed I can't deal with this we have being here for an hour and I was getting super annoyed.

"Then you should get it. You deserve something nice" Katara said trying to get Sokka to finely decide if he wants it or not.

I was leaning against a wall and Aang was sat in the floor, we both was just waiting for Sokka to decide.

"I do, don't I? But no. It's too expensive I shouldn't get it" I groan at this "just get it, we all know you want to" I was near his face now and he could tell I was pissed at him.

"No it's too expensive, I shouldn't" I groan in frustration and walk off.

"All right then don't" we all begin to walk off "finally" I say with relief untill I hear "you know what? I'm gonna get" I turn around and just give him a death glare but he didn't notice.

I turn back around to 'see' that some guy is talking to Aang and Katara so I walk near them to hear what he was saying.

"Hey, you kids like earth bending, you like throwing Rocks, then check out master yu's earth bending academy"

I stand next to Katara as they both look at the peace of paper.

"Look. Theres a coupon in the back the first lesson is free"

"Aang I doubt that this master Yu is the earth bending teacher you need" I said this guy seemed shady and if you have to pay for the lessons then it can't be that good.

"Cara you never know Yu just might be the teacher Aang needs" even tho I always trust my gut I have to agree with Katara "ok fine we'll check it out but I'm very sure this Yu person isn't the teacher he needs" we all begin to walk to the academy.

Me, Katara, Sokka and momo where waiting for Aang to finish his first lesson outside of the academy "I still don't think he's the right teacher"

"Cara, how can you possibly know that, you haven't even met the guy" I raise my eye brow at Sokka "I'm normally right about these things"

After I said this Aang came walking out "He's not the one"

I lean over to Sokka "told you" he crossed his eyebrows but then some kids walked past us.

"I think the boulder is gonna win back the belt at earth rumble 6"

"He's gonna have to fight his way through the best earth benders in the world to even get a shot at the champ"

Aang didn't hesitate to ask the kids where it was taking place but they just didn't tell him so Katara worked her magic and chased them round the corner.

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