Chapter Seventeen

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" I knew you two would come" Katara said hugging the two again.

"uncle, I don't understand, what are you doing with the Avatar?" Zuko asked pointing at Aang "saving you that's what" Aang said back, Zuko went to jump at Aang but Iroh held him back "Zuko, it's time we talk, go hel your other friends, we'll catch up with you" the three nodded and ran into the tunnel.

"we need to find Toph and Sokka" Cara said as they exited the tunnel, Cara sensed someone behind them and turned around along with Aang and Katara, to see a lighting blast heading towards them, Aang earth bended some ground to cover from the bast, it shattered the earth and they looked to see Azula.

Cara and Katara sent a massive wave of water at her but she turned it into steam as the Princess ran up a cyristal, shooting fire at them, the three shielded themselves with water as Azula landed on a pillar.

Aang earth bended the pillar so it crumbled to peaces and Azula landed on the ground with two fingers pointed at Aang and Katara "hey, fire queen" Cara said and Azula noticed nothing was stopping the blind water bender from attacking her, as Cara tried to send water launching at Azula but Zuko fireblasted her, causing her to scream in pain as she was launched into a wall.

"Cara!" Aang yelled as he looked at Zuko who launched many fire balls at him, Anag created an air bubble around himself as the fire blasts sent him to the wall that Cara get launched into.

Cara got up and was angry, she saw Aang fighting Zuko and ran up to fire prince, she then sent an air image of herself knocking Zuko to ground, causing him to be dazed and confused "how did you airbend?" he said with venom in his voice as Cara and got close to him "I'm special" she said and froze his feet, Zuko looked down and Cara took this opportunity to launch herself at him and punch him in the face breaking his frozen feet from the ground and casuing him to go into a wall.

Cara smirked as Zuko got up again and sent a massive beam of fire in her and Aangs direction, they both air bended themselves to the high ground and stood upon a large crystal.

They looked to see Zuko form large fire whips and he attacked them as they jumped between pillars, Aang along with Carla's help then launched a pillar into the ground causing a big shock wave that knocked Zuko out for a couple of seconds but so was Cara and Aang, they steadily got out from the hole they made in the ground.

They saw Azula and the two Avatars stood their ground, Azula began speeding towards the two using her fire bending, Aang surrounded himself with crystal as Cara surrounded herself with ice and the two went full speed at Azula, but it was no use, they both got sent into a wall, making a deep indent.

"She's so tough" Cara said breathlessly as her and Aang got up "we need to keep going, you need to use your air bending more, it doesn't matter if she knows" he then offered her his hand and she took it, they both jumped out of the wall, Aang made a rock hill and went to wards Zuko and Azula while Cara made an air scooter.

The two Avatars were speeding towards the fire nation royals untill a dai Li agent stopped them, making them tumble over the ground and make a crater, dai Li surrounded the two along with Azula and Zuko.

Aang and Cara looked around, they knew they were outnumbered 'the only way is to let her go' the two heard the voice of the guru in their heads and nodded in agreement, Aang surrounded the two with a small temple of crystal.

They both let go of their earthly attachments and unlocked the Avatar state, the small crystal temple shattered as the two floated out, many faces were surprised to see both children in the Avatar state.

Azula knowing her chase to kill the Avatar was now but having a difficult time choosing between Cara or Aang, she went with Aang and shot him with her lighting, sending a shock though him, Cara looked to see Aang falling and chased after him, her eyes stopped glowing blue as Katara catcher Aang and Cara landed next to them.

It seemed like it was all over untill Iroh stopped the two fire benders from getting to them "you've got to get out of here!" he yelled as he got into a fighting stance "I'll hold them off as long as I can!" he sent fire towards the Prince and the Princess as Cara and Katara carried Aang towards the waterfall, they used waterbending to help them escape and they ran to Appa.

When the others saw Cara, Katara and Aang they didn't say a word and got on Appa and flew away as fast as they could, Toph held onto Cara as Katara placed Aang down.

She then got her vile of sprirt water from the spirit oasis in the northern watertribe, she put it on Aang's wound but it looked like it did nothing, she held the air bender and started crying.

Aang's head glowed for a second as he groaned, Katara smiled as she held him close to her chest, thanking the spirits he was alive, his eyes then closed again but he was alive.

The group travelled untill they came by Sokka and Katara's father with his water tribe ships, they helped team Avatar look after Aang while the group tried to figure out what to do.

With Aang out of the game, they needed another way to defeat firelord Ozai and if Aang didn't make it, they really needed another way to defeat firelord Ozai.

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