chapter nine

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Tophs pov

Cara is sound asleep on my shoulder and its perfect.

We where all tired from fighting the drill but at least we can rest for a bit, I still held Caras hand as she slept.

"Look, the inner wall , I can't believe we finally made it to Ba Sing Se in one piece" Sokka was quick to object "hey, don't jinx it! We could still be attacked by some giant, exploding fire nation spoon or find out the citys been submerged in an ocean full of killer shrimp"

"You being hitting the cactus juice again?" I felt Cara move on my shoulder as she rised from sleeping, I couldn't help but feel sad.

Caras pov

I yawned a little "where are we?" I asked Toph

"I think we're near Ba Sing Se" she answered.

I felt Sokka get up "he's a giant Bison where could someone possibly hide him?"

"well, I guess your in for a shock" I said as we finally got in to Ba Sing Se

If I recall correctly this city is very large, the train stopped and we got off.

"Back in the city, great" Toph said sarcastically

"Whats the problem, its amazing" Sokka said really excited

"Just a bunch of walls and rules, you wait, you'll get sick of it in a couple of days"

"I'm sick of it now" I said plainly as Aang took out his bison whistle and blow it.

"I'm coming for you, buddy" Katara went and placed her hand on his shoulder "he's here, I can feel it"

I felt that there was someone behind us, it was a woman she walked up to us.

"Hello, my name is Joo Dee, I have being given the great honor of showing the Avatar around Ba Sing Se and you must be Sokka, Katara, Toph and Cara, welcome to our wonderful city shall we get started?" This woman felt creepy.

"Yes, we have information about the fire nation army that we need to deliver to the earth king immediately"

"Great, lets begin our tour and then I'll show you to your new home, here I think you'll like it"

I was confused "did she just ignore the fact we have some top information about the fire nation"

Sokka walked up to her again "maybe you missed what I said, we need to talk to the king about the war, its important"  Joo Dee still didn't register that we have information about the fire nation.

"You're in Ba Sing Se, now everyone is safe here" she sounds so creepy, I don't like it.

She showed us around and brought us to our 'new home' "here we are, your new home"

Some person came up and handed her a scroll "more good news your request for an audience with the earth king is being processed and should be put through in about a month, much more quickly then usual"

"A month no that can't be how long it is " I said

"Six to eight weeks actually" I groaned as we went inside the house "isn't it nice? I think you'll really enjoy it here"

"I think we'd enjoy it more if we weren't staying so long, can't we see the king any sooner?" Sokka asked as I sat next to Toph.

"The earth king is very busy running the finest city in the world, but he will see you as soon as time permits"

I'm beginning to hate her, not only is ahe creepy but annoying.

"If we're gonna be here for a month, we should spend our time looking for Appa" Aang said.

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