chapter four

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Aang was up bright and early ready to learn earth bending.

Caras pov

Its early in the morning and I can hear is Aang "Can you shut up I'm trying to heal and sleep over here" I say annoyed

"Can't Cara, today's the day" he said jumping in the air "can you believe it? After all that time searching for a teacher, I'm finally starting earth bending and this place its perfect don't you think"

I rise up still half asleep "Sokka" he just growled at Aang "oh you're still sleeping huh?"

"We all are now go away" I said laying back down "sorry" Aang whispers but then the ground starts shaking untill Tophs tent burst open "good morning earth bending student"

"Good morning Sifu Toph" Aang bows as Toph walks over, I was still angry at her for tossing me aside and leaving me.

"Hey, you never call me Sifu Katara" she said crossing her arms "well, if you think I should" I couldn't take it no more I got up "all of you just shut up I didn't sleep well last night and I can't sleep now because your all talking!" I yelled and it was true the pain from my injury didn't let me sleep and I was easily agitated in this state.

"Yeah, I can't sleep with all of you talking too" Sokka said agreeing with me

"Sorry, snoozles we'll do our earth bending as quietly as we can" Toph then launched Sokka in the air so high that if he landed on solid ground he would hurt something, instinct took over and yelled a little in pain because I was moving and before he landed I created a cushion of air, the movements hurt a lot and I fell to the ground Katara came to my side "are you ok, Cara?"

I steadily got up and limped back to my sleeping bag "yeah I'm fine" I could tell that Toph was upset by the way she hung herself she had her head down while she held her right arm, I didn't like it, I didn't like making her feel that way.

"So what move are you gonna teach me first, rockalanche, the trembler, oh maybe I can learn to make a whirlpool out of land" Toph quickly regained focus and stopped Aang "well, let's start with, move a rock" she then walked to get a rock.

"Sounds good, sounds good" Aang said clapping his hands a little.

Since I couldn't do much I went to watched Aang.

"The key to earth bending is your stance" Toph then got into an earth bender stance "You've got to be steady and strong" Aang copied her "rock is a stubborn element" yeah just like someone I know.

"If you're going to move it, you've got to be like a rock yourself"

"Like a rock got it"

"Good now, the actual motion of this one is pretty simple" Toph then launched the big boulder fastly into a wall "ok, you ready to give it a try?" Toph asked Aang

I don't think he is ready, he's an air bender they don't know how to think still and stubborn they are free and moving "I'm ready"

Aang tries to move the rock but he launched himself all the way back into Appa I laughed "rock beats air bender" I could sense a smile on Tophs face and it made me smile lightly, I should say forgive her but after shes done teaching Aang.

I got up and limped over to Toph, I nearly fell but Toph caught me making me blush "thanks" I could 'see' the smile on her face "no problem" I stood up straight I don't understand what went wrong, he did it exactly the way you did" katara said "maybe theres another way, what if I came at the boulder from a different angle" Aang then started walking near the boulder but I grabbed him and stopped him "no Aang that's the problem, you can't keep thinking of different ways, there is only one way to do it"

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