[chapter one]

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"Carson Mitchell!"

Turning around, I managed to duck away as Avery was running towards me at full speed. I saw her start laughing as she turns around and looks at me.

"What was the purpose of that?"

She laughs then pulls her hair from her face and grabs her bag that was on the ground. "We have two weeks until it's our last semester of the whole school year!" She yells. "I'm so happy."

"So, you came running after me like a lunatic?"

"Yes!" She yells then laughs. "Aren't you happy? Two weeks away from this college then our last few months until we are out!"

Shaking my head, I pull my bag over my shoulder more before watching her dance around. I look at everyone who was watching us then looked back at her. "You're embarrassing."

She looks at me then shrugs. "So what, babe?"

I couldn't help but smile at her. I couldn't ask for a better best friend to follow me through this journey in life because I know I wouldn't have made it this far is she wasn't here to make sure I didn't quit.

"So, what's your plans for these lovely two weeks?"

I sighed as we walked through the parking lot as everyone else was already leaveing. I look around then back at her as she was watching me. "I'm not even sure. Besides work, I'm probably going to be doing nothing."

"Oh yeah, you're a mechanic."

Nodding, I walk to my car before stopping. "Yep."

"How's the pay?"

"It's actually not bad. It pays well and I like working on vehicles."

She shakes her head with a smile on her face. "You're such a tomboy."

"And what's wrong with that?"

"Nothing. I wasn't saying it was a bad thing." She chuckles. "How's Sandra?"

I opened my car door before tossing my bag in then looking over at her. "She's good. Working everyday."

"Do you get any time alone?"

"Yeah, sometimes. It's not that bad though." I look towards my car before looking back at her. "How's your love life?"

She rolls her eyes. "Shut up. You know I don't have one. I'll be forever alone."

"Aw, don't say that. You'll fine someone." I look around then back at her. "How about someone from campus?"

"Ew no." She shook her head in disgust. "All the guys here are losers."

I shook my head then smiled at her. "Well, most of the guys on Earth are anyways. That's why I'm gay."

Leaning on my car door, I heard her phone go off then she took it out of her pocket. I saw her look down at a text she received then she sighed as she looks over at me. "I need to go." She pulls me into a hug. "I love you and I'll come see you and Sandra one day, ok?"

Smiling at her as she pulls back, I gave her a nod. "Ok. Bye Avery."

"Bye, Carson." She waves before walking away.

Sighing, I got into my car then started it. I looked around the parking lot as it was mostly empty now before pulling out of my spot and leaving the parking lot.

Looking at the radio, it was around five in the afternoon. I had about a twenty minute drive home so I might as well turn some music on and listen to it so I won't be completely bored.

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