chapter 6

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when he asked me for my name, the only thing that i could think of was

"why would you need it?"

"so that i know who you are. so that i can extract some help from you for this project. so um,,, we have to organize this drive for the national.... "

and i zoned out.

see, minho?

he hasn't been here for more than a few minutes, but even he knows that you are no good.

he just needs you to be compliant so that his work gets done quicker.

he hates you too.

".... and that's why i need to at least know your name and hopefully, your phone number. you listening???"

now, not only does he hate you, he most definitely thinks that you are weird.

"yeah sorry. i zoned out for a bit. i should have probably introduced myself earlier. i'm lee minho, 12th grade. and about my phone number... "

i extended my hand to ask for his phone.

surprisingly, he complied.

i didn't expect him to.

"i'll text you? now?"

"um yeah sure."


the atmosphere was quiet, save the soft whirring of the ceiling fan.

the quietness was slightly disturbed by the dinging of my phone


+91 4419xx0325

it's jisung.


"so now that you have my number, i can contact you much easier."



that was,,,
quite an experience.

he was kinda rude, but he didn't seem like he did it intentionally.

maybe just second nature?

like how oversharing and rambling is mine.

i just pocketed my phone and ran back to class; hopefully my everpleasant teacher would not put me in detention.

and thankfully, luck was on my side.

or else that illuminati looking headass would eat me alive for getting detention so early in the school year.

that would be an,,,unpleasant experience.

the rest of the school day was quite eventful; we got maths homework!!!!!!

yes that was sarcasm.

after the final bell of hell rang, i wasted no time in leaving the premises of the wretched place where we get (arguably) the most important thing in our life :

the lessons of staying awake in history class.

i dashed into the bicycle shop where i worked under the aforementioned illuminati looking headass:

my best friend and housemate changbin.

it was really not work per se:

i just took down orders and repairs but that seemed to satiate the needs of both changbin and my friend-brother-father hybrid, chan, who co-owned the shop.

they had given me a place to stay, and put some food in my stomach, and i couldn't be more grateful.

just then, my phone decided to chime:


hi jisung.



443 words


don't you just love it when han jisung breathes?

i have too many chan photos in my gallery for a han biased stay

apparently 4 am is the best time to write. in conclusion: i haven't slept in 3 days.

i should also mention that i love changbin with my entire existence. i just described him from jisung's point of view like how i describe my brother from mine.


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