chapter 8

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here's an adorable minsung pic because
this chapter.

the coldness washes over me in concentric circles, emitting from the small of my back.

it was a strange feeling really, like someone was dripping icy cold water on my skin, one drop at a time.

i willed myself to open my eyes.

i found out; it was easier said than done.

when i finally did manage to open my eyes, i was faced with the sterile, unwelcoming white of a hospital ceiling.

my vision was a little blurry, like i had my head held underwater.

i heard a muffled sound. a scream for a doctor was the most probable answer, seeing that i was in a hospital.

in a few moments, a face and a shock of blonde swimmed into my peripheral vision.

it was vaguely familiar.

like i had seen them somewhere and i was just not acquainted to them.

then it hit me.

i'm in a hospital.

my mother is not here.

and there is a random, albeit very beautiful, person helping him.

after a few more moments, a doctor came in through the door, opening it with a bang which was undoubtedly a little louder than warranted for a patient who had just revived from fainting.

he checked my vitals, and asked for the person who brought me in.

the aforementioned beauty stepped up.

i learned that their name is han jisung.

i also learned that i passed out from blood loss, mainly through internal bleeding.

saying that i was stunned would be an understatement.

who were they?

then my memories hit me like a truck at full speed.

i had entered my house - that place could not be called home - and was beat senseless by my mother because she thought the project recently handed to me was a ploy i had thought out to escape her. the last thing i had heard before giving in to the lull of sleep was an ear splitting scream.

i further remembered that han jisung was my partner for the project that i was beaten over.

he must have sensed my baffled state, for as soon as the doctor leaves, he turns to me.

"let me tell you what happened."


the fear i felt grasped onto my senses, rendering my appendages useless.

i could not run.

i could not move.

my feet were planted to the cold marble flooring underneath me.

what i did next not only baffled the person in front of me, it also baffled me.

i reached, rather lunged, out at her hand that held the knife, removing as fast as i could from her grip.

it could be made of iron, that grip, but i'd take it from her anyway; nobody hurts  another in front of me.

i absolutely expected her to swing her hammer at my head, but she had other plans.

she just dropped it.

and ran.

oh boy, did she run.

only when she was out of my sight that my senses returned.

i met a attempting murderer.

the victim was a few feet in front of me.

and i stopped it.

oh god was i grateful that i took his address from the school reception.

i scrambled to find my phone, which i had dropped onto the cold hard ground.

i called an ambulance.

my mind was a haze through it all.

i could not process anything.

they arrived.

they asked for his legal guardian. i could not answer.

they asked me about how i knew him. i could not answer.

they asked me if i wanted to go with him. i could not answer.

except for a simple nod.

and it was at the back of that godforsaken ambulance over the half alive body of my friend? schoolmate? acquaintance? that my feelings came for me.

the haze broke.

the dam barring the emotions in me from pouring out broke.

it was fractured with a single crack first.

my first tears fell.

then the crack grew wider and wider till it was on the verge of breaking into pieces finer than glass.

and it did.

it hurt so much that it felt as if it would break me from inside.

that it would constrict my breathing.

it would tear open my flesh and protrude through my chest.

we finally reached the hospital.

what i could do was wait.

and i waited.

for exactly 74 hours.


724 words


that was... long.

also i'm sorry for not uploading yesterday, i had ✨studies✨.


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