chapter 17

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first of all i'd like to say:



the last few days were... interesting, for the lack of better terminology.

after our kiss, we had come closer in a way, which was both a curse and a boon, like rain; it destroyed a few hopes, which where a little optimistic anyway, but it fuelled some growth, however small it might be.

so after a week or so after our shenanigans, we submitted the project that started it all.

so we decided to celebrate our achievement. although it was only min hyung and i who had worked on the said project, all of us decided to celebrate anyway, because firstly, we could and secondly, all of us were done with school.

so as per usual, we decided to host the get together at our house, and all of us agreed, like we always did.

that was, until chan hyung said that we should do it at his house instead. i had no idea where his host like side came from, but it wasn't as if i was complaining.

turned out that his roommate, jeongin was his name, had planned to introduce his friends to hyung who was simply returning the favour.

and i didn't mind either, since not only did he ask min hyung to tag along but also because it was a pain in the down under to clean up the inevitable mess that would result and i'd rather that he'd do it and not i.

min hyung had been so happy to know that he'd been invited that i was equal parts happy and sad.

sad, because it was clear as daylight that he had thought that he was far too below us to be considered a friend and happy because he was happy.

simple, really.

so in a week's time we headed out, the sun glistening on our dyed hair, a result of a mental breakdown on my part, and a sense of change for hyung, his orange hurting my eyes a bit, but i was happy to know that the deep blue splattering across my forehead would not produce the same effect.

our hands were intertwined once again.

it had become a habit; my hands seeking the comfort of his warmth. my mind decided to be a brat and play our kiss over and over again, making me relive the feeling of sweetness and warmth, home and happiness once again.

we quickly made our way to chan's apartment which was thankfully only a block away, none of us anticipating what was to come.



it was so nice, to be wanted and to be asked to different places. it gave an unparalleled sense of belonging.

chan had always been a nice guy and this time was no different. i never had the satisfaction of having a sibling, but he was the closest i had to having an older brother.

if you studied in our school, you knew the name of bang christopher chan, especially if you were in the twelfth grade.

insanely handsome with a personality to match, he was considered quite a popular guy.

so we set off, changbin and felix walking ahead, a somewhat mediocre me following with an insanely beautiful han jisung by my side.

a crisp white button down endorsed his torso, the sleeves rolled up to accentuate the rings that decorated his already pretty hands, with ripped skinny jeans that was a shade or two darker than his midnight blue hair.

the silver of his chain caught light and made him sparkle, like he was a character of a movie.

throughout the duration of the twenty minute walk, i could only keep glancing to my right to see the most ethereal being to walk the earth.

the rolled up sleeves did not do me any justice, the exposed veins lead to some interesting thoughts and the way the first three buttons wre undone to expose his toned chest could only egg on the thoughts.

snapping out of whatever my mind decided to think, i realized that we were already in front of the building.

the elevator ride was silent, much like the walk, but it was not awkward. well, it was almost silent if you ignore the fact that both changbin and felix had been not so subtly flirting throughout the entire duration of the journey.

the elevator dinged open and we stepped out.

for a moment i thought that i had heard the soft laughter and quiet chattering of my old friends, but i brushed it off as wishful thinking; it was highly unlikely that i'd meet them again, for it was me who had run away from them and cut all contacts.

changbin pressed on the doorbell of what i presumed to be chan's apartment.

i prepared myself a bit; i had never been over to someone's place for the last few years.

i had no idea about what to expect, but never in a million years did i think that it would a chorus of half forgotten voices calling out my name.


836 words


what was i on?

i'll just write the author's notes in the comments because it irks me if someone writes it between the paragraphs, and i'm not about to be a hypocrite.

quick psa, this book will end within three or four chapters, excluding the bonus chapter


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