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She raised her eyebrows at him, "You want it again?"

"Isn't it enough that I'm on my knees.~ ♥" Hisoka spreads his knees apart which gives her a view of his erection. Emiko presses up against the base of his bulge with her heels. A sweat bead slides down the side of his face as rough breathing can be heard. My god, when did he get like this?

"How far do you want this to go?" She intensifies the pressure against his pants.

"I have some of my own toys.~ ♥" He licks his lips. I won't be able to control myself but he's letting me go all out? This took an unexpected turn.

"I'm interested."

"Dominate me...~ ♥" He purrs against her hand that was placed on his chin. Not only is he on his knees begging but he's doing this in a public elevator. But he must know...

The elevator finally dings after many floors. The doors open to a spacious, modern, and luxurious penthouse. There's so many words that came to mind that couldn't even be registered in time. Most of the lights were shut off and once again the views of his place was breathtaking. She noticed his hands were already tied behind his back with a belt. When did he form cuffs from that belt??

"All of this from Gas Glam?" She asks, heel backs clattering on the large marble tiles.

"You'd be surprised how much a little Bungee Gum and a painted face can bring you...~♥"

Emiko crosses the main hall and turns into the kitchen and dining area. The windows continued, trailing all over the whole floor. It showcased the entire city and its natural beauty. The living room had a fireplace right underneath tall windows and many sitting spaces. By the end of the room was a grand piano and beside it a glass table with a few bottles of alcoholic beverages. She turns to him dumbstruck with just how much money can buy. Hisoka backs into the wall beside the living room's main entrance. He presses something on the wall that reveals a staircase. Emiko follows him upstairs.

There was another shiny white hallway reflecting the building lights from outside. There were a few rooms on this floor, what she assumes are guest rooms. The bathrooms were incredibly large and nothing like she'd ever seen in person at least. The end of the hall was of a particularly generous bedroom with a bath tub centered in front of the bed. The corner of the room was free to a flatscreen and mirrors on the other corner.

"I don't like to bring women to my private space.~♥" He states, standing back in the door frame.

"Then we can agree on that." She says feeling at the edges of the bath tub. "You use this often?"

"Once in a while when I'm feeling up to it I set up even a full meal.~♥"

She smirks at him before looking over her shoulder to view the city once again. Someone like Hisoka has probably seen the richest views and finest luxury. Emiko walks towards her letting out a long sigh. He's got no idea how many things she's experiencing in this very moment. I've been let into his sanctuary. Is this how he slowly opens up about his life to me? He looks down at her, inches away from her face.

"You said you had your own toys?"

"Are you surprised I have yet another kink?~♦"

"A little, yes." She placed her hands under his shirt, trailing on his abs and letting them roam to his chest. He eyes her chest and gives a pleasurable face. So touch starved...

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