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The beginning of another massacre will go down beyond those walls. It hasn't felt this exciting since the day your father released the monster inside. Though you would rather take all of their lives, you have a duty to fulfill with this new association. In no way are you certain that you can maintain your bloodlust enough to spare the lives the boss wants. Illumi must be aware of this yet he still brings you along. They must know.

The three of you stood on a hill far above the Sato factory grounds. On the blue print provided by the CEO displayed three main buildings: western and northern builds were solely for the cologne production such as the bottles and fragrances themselves, the eastern building contains the offices and head quarters of the Sato company. The mafia products are being produced twenty meters underground. Reasons for keeping it underground weren't mentioned but it's safe to say it's for security. The polluted sky was blending with colors of purple and pink. In no time will the night sky be filled with stars rather than smoke. You pull out your phone to view the blueprint PDF.

"We can each take a building to look for the targets. Personally, I'd like to the heart of Sato but not even I know where he could be." Illumi starts. He points towards the eastern building, assuming Kenji was in his office. We were informed beforehand he would be here but for reasons unprovided. You couldn't help but notice Illumi in the moment. Even with that blank expression you can tell he's just as excited for this as the other crazy people he's assigned with.

"Even so, there's unspecified details about the factory or even the bodyguards. The boss tagged them with high prices for a reason, maybe not because they're skilled but because it's trapped. The difficulty of the area might be rigged beyond our belief." You take into consideration and inform the two. Hisoka smiles at your thinking.

He squats between the two of you, "What about the labored workers? If we can't touch them then you shouldn't be the one in the west or north buildings. We wouldn't want you getting out of control.~" You notice Illumi was glaring at him. He really kept the lipstick stamp.

"Good. I can't promise I'll help them." You remark.

You agree on entering through the office building, leaving Illumi and Hisoka to the cologne production buildings. From every area there was a hidden entrance to the underground productions. In the blueprints, the entrances are marked but share no details on how to enter officially. Telling by the way even finding it will be a challenge, you start to convince yourself the factory is trapped and under extreme supervision. Unless they're so confident and leave it wide open. That would be no fun.

The three of you take your separate paths and approach the fenced Sato property. The entire factory is fenced at a diamond shape from a bird's eye view. At the very tip of the diamond that faced the sunset is where the trucks full of products exit. You notice there's cameras at almost every minor crevice of the pillars supporting the fence. Without a second thought, you send blades propelling towards two cameras and hinge onto both pillars with your ribbons. They allowed you to leap over the fence while supported, ensuring you're landing will be accurate. You decide to sneak in through the rear exterior door. It leads to a hallway with storage rooms and bathrooms for the staff. Through here, it's expected to take a right until you're met with a door that says 'Employees Only'. It's disguised as a large break room past the front desk but the blueprint marks it as the entrance to the underground. Although, your job as of now was to locate Kenji and notify the two.

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