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After getting dressed, you followed the mysterious man to the unknown area. You wonder at what will take place in the next hour. A fairly attractive man who did not hesitate to show his true intentions for you had you going crazy. He loves to leave others with more questions than answers, but then again so did you. Excitement flowed through you, and you loved every ounce of it. You look down at your heels and focused on the sound of the crackling leaves beneath your feet. You taught yourself to remain comfortable with heels on for years. Your appearance meant a lot to you and the state of seduction played a role in your outfits.

Your mind floats to another place when you spot a familiar looking tree. The form of it was almost identical to a tree outside your childhood home. You can almost smell the fragrance of the hyacinths that would surround it. A smile spreads across your face when remembering the sweet memories you had of that tree. Years of training, frustration and determination. For everything, it was your comfort spot. The sound of laughter nearby prevailed over your thoughts. It was the Amori brothers beyond the bushes. Your eyes widen and irises grew small at the sudden rush of adrenaline. You flash your nails and bolt past Hisoka without a second thought.

The Amori brothers were too busy laughing at their own jokes to notice you scramming at them. A sudden woosh of what seems like wind blowing through the leaves catches their attention. You leap in the air, forming a tint of red aura and land straight on Umori, clinging onto his neck with one hand. You laugh at the sight below you.

"Oh, did I scare you? That's good..." You chuckled at the choking brother. The other stood there, speechless.

"H-hey.. cut it o-out.. I'll give you the tag alright!" Umori bursted out, trying to swing his arms at you but failing miserably. You grin at his attempts.

"What's the fun in that? Why don't you beg for me!"

"You're c-crazy!"

You instantaneously search for the tag and snatch it before standing inches away from Umori. Killing him on the first night of the phase would mean recklessly losing an opportunity for later. You bring your right foot upon his shoulder and lean against your right knee.

"Consider yourself one in a million." On that note, you send the brother flying with your other foot to the river nearby. The remaining brother, Amori, stared at his falling brother and glanced at you. You glare back your lustful eyes at him and wipe the smile off your face. This intimidates Amori and he scurries off to his fallen brother. Oh that felt good.

You pat your skirt and then again smile down at your hands. There was small trickles of blood on the tips of your nails that trigger laughter within you. Suddenly, you remember that Hisoka led you to them in the first place. You scan the area only to find him sitting on a branch. His left leg was stretched out and his right arm rested on his right knee. His eyes remained closed and he had a stern look on his face. His eyes met with yours and a grin runs across his face to match your expression. Both of your auras were leaking.

"~You're so good, [Y/N].~ ♥"

Those words are comforting. They're familiar. 'Who is this magician?' you wonder. How come someone so similar can be so mysterious? So clever. So charming. Words you can't even comprehend in the moment race through your mind. Your face was covered with immense pain from the unfinished job.

You needed more.

Hisoka realized how powerful your aura was becoming and swiftly appeared in front of you. Your heart beat intensified as the thoughts of blood worked it's way to your muscles. As if it was natural instinct. Your eyes turned hungry at the sight of the jester approaching you. He was no longer a jester to you, he was just another breathing soul. Just a black silhouette walking towards you. A faceless toy.

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