Chapter 15.

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Luke's P.o.v

I was sitting in the waiting room of this so called 'rehab center'. I'm not like any of these people.

My habits haven't destroyed my life, my life is great.

I've started having withdrawal symptoms, but thats besides the point, I am great.

Melody is great, Alayna is great, and I am great.

The small brunette behind the counter finally calls my name after almost an hour of her typing on that stupid computer.

"Well okay Luke, we have some openings, so when would you like to arrive, we always suggest ASAP, but in some cases they like to wait."

"Uhm 2 weeks?"

"Sounds lovely okay well we will call you"

Are you shitting me?

"I just sat in this shit hole for an hour and youre telling me, I have to wait for a mother fucking phone call?"

"Yes sir I am"

I just kinda gave her a disgusted look and walked away.

Yeah I will NOT be attending anything to do with that place.

I tried for Alayna, but honestly just don't think I can go back to rehab, not now, not ever.

She wont need to know right?


I walked into Alayna's apartment and as soon as I did I heard a screaming Melody.

Fuck me.

"Melody Grace Hemmings you stop your shit right now!!!" Alayna screamed as I heard something break.

I quickly ran upstairs, into Melodys room to see her on a dresser with busted glass everywhere.

"Melody what did you do?" I asked.

"Oh look Melody Daddys home maybe he can control you cause obviously I can't." Alayna said as she stormed out of the room.

I walked over to my 5 year old and put her down from the dresser and onto her bed.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Mummy made me mad" she said crossing her arms.

"Look you can't break things because your mad, you are in big trouble. Give me your iPad now" I said putting mt hand out.

"But- But- Daddy" she whispered as tears began to well up in her eyes 

"No buts Melody Grace give me your iPad NOW."I said in the sternest voice I could muster.

She reached under her pillow and pulled out the slab.

I took it out of her grasp and walked into the bedroom to see Alayna with her head between her legs.

"Alayna, you just have to be stricter" I said quietly.

"I know, but youre here now so I dont have to play bad cop right?" she said lifting her head to look at me.

"Right" I said as I took a seat beside of her.

"Luke she just will not listen to me, it doesn't matter how much I scream or shout, she just does not care."

"I mean I took her iPad and she seemed to have learned her lesson"

"Oh dammit! Why didnt I think of that?"

"Because youre a pushover darling" I said laughing.

She nudged my shoulder and looked into my eyes.

"Hmmmm if I didnt know better Torres, I'd say you were seducing me" I said smirking.

"Oh shut up! I was not" she said defensively as her cheeks rosed up.

"Oh really cause your face says otherwise" I said as she began to squirm away.

"Bite me Hemmings" She said laughing.

"Oh don't tempt me" I said laughing with her.

"I absolutely love you Luke Hemmings" she said as she reached up and cupped one side of my face as she ran her thumb down my cheek.

"And I absolutely positively love you Alayna Torres"

"We should be all gushy more often it's cute" she said as she got off from the bed and walked over to the bedroom.

"Yeah we should" I said standing up and following her "You know you never told me you gave Melody my last name"

"It never came up" she said simply.

"Seems like something you tell someone"

"Well I honestly didn't think you would come back so I didn't think it would matter and you couldve got custody more easily if you knew she had your last name"


"Oh fuck please Luke lets not discuss custody, I'm sorry I brought it up"

Youre off your fucking rocker if you think I dont want half custody.

"Okay" I said kissing her cheek and exiting the room into Melodys room with the iPad in hand.

I opened the door to see her small frame asleep on the floor.

I walked over to her lumped over body and picked her up gently and slowly and placed her in her bed.

I covered her up with the duvet and sat the iPad on her nightstand.

She is so gorgeous and shes my baby girl.

I kissed her forehead and walked downstairs.

Alayna must still be upstairs.

I heard her landline ring, I walked over and picked up the line.


"Alayna? It's Ashton." Thats the name of the creep from the bar.

"Uhm you must have the wrong number"

"Oh well fuck sorry man"

"its fine bye" I said quickly as I hung the phone up and Alayna ran downstairs.

"Who was it?"

"Oh one of your old friends"

"Okay so who was it?"

"Ashton fucking Irwin thats who" I growled as I slammed my fist against the table. "Why the fuck is he calling you?"

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