Chapter 4.

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(I will be writing the text messages in italics, just so there is no confusion enjoy!)

Alayna's P.o.v

"Mummy wake up!" Melody said loudly while she shook me.

"Mel what's wrong?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"Your phone keeps rining." she said annoyed, the phone had obviously woke her up.

I rolled over and grabbed it off the nightstand, it was several text from a number I didnt recognize.

"Alayna it's Luke please call me"

"Layna please just call me, I need to see Melody"

"Please answer me"

He called me 14 times to. What the actual hell?

I texted back very rushed because I was angry and tired.

"I will call you after I get Melody breakfast and get myself a shower. Calm the hell down."

I got out of bed, opting to leave my phone in the bedroom.

"C'mon Mel, lets go get some cereal and then we gotta pack our bags and get ready for moving day tomorrow!" I said excitedly.

My mum and dad paid for everything, furniture and just normal house stuff.

I got Melody a bowl of cereal and then ran upstairs to take a shower.

When I was all cleaned and had all of yesterdays make up removed and my hair twisted into a towel, I went back to my room to see if Luke texted back, which he did.

"I know I'm sorry I thought you were just ignoring me. I'll be waiting by the phone"

I clicked his contact and let it ring, it rand twice before I heard his beautiful voice.

"Hello Alayna" he said smoothly.

"Hello Luke"

"I just want to see Melody"

"I don't think it's a good idea. I mean you've ran out on her twice and now you just want back in? Sorry I'm gonna need more than that"

"Look I fucked up I know, but I miss her and you."

"Look we can meet for lunch, I'll tell Mel who you really are, but dont push your luck with anything okay?"

"Okay yeah when is good for you?"

"Well I'm moving into my apartment tomorrow and I'll be packing all day tomorrow so how is Thursday?"

"Thursday is great"

"Okay then I'll see you Thursday"

"Okay see ya then, bye."


I cant believe I just agreed to that. I know its in Melody's best interest to know her dad is, but I honestly just dont know about Luke being in her life. Hes done this once before when he was in visiting the states for whatever reason.

Melody was too young to remember thank god.

I grabbed some boxes and began packing up some things in my old bedroom. I picked up some old books of mine. Looking at their old worn spines and gently putting them into boxes. Some of my old CD's were sat in my dresser drawer covered in dust.

I honestly dont remember why I was in such a hurry to get out of this place that I didnt pack any of this.

I mean I was 16, but still.


"Luke.." I said quietly looking up at my boyfriend.

"Layna what's wrong?" he asked concern evident.

"Luke I'm-, We're having a baby" I said as I burst out into tears.

"Oh no no we are not, Alayna you have to get rid of it, I canf take care of it, I won't take care of it." he said coldly 

"Luke I'm not getting rid of it, its our child" I said quietly.

"No its not its yours and whoever you've been sleeping with baby"

"I have never slept with anyone except for you and you know that!"

"I cant do this" He said as he backed away and started to run.

I shook the horrible memory from my eyes and continued packing. Thursday is going to be hell.

If he leaves Melody again, she will be broken. She is so sensitive, she'll blame herself she always does, even if shes only 5.

She will eventually find out about him though. They look almost exactly the same, exact same blonde hair, blue eyes, the singular dimple on her right cheek, she is her father's daughter. I just dont want him to ruin her, like he ruined me.

I needed to stop doing this and start packing, I should be excited about moving into my new apartment! Not loathing over something that happebed 6 years ago.

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