Chapter 5

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"How's Narcissa?" 

Hermione had just returned after enjoying a pleasant evening with Narcissa at their cafe. They had talked about mundane things, and had had tea and crumpets. Hermione found that she actually looked forward to the evenings that they spent together.

"She's fine," Hermione said cautiously, "how come you're suddenly asking?"

"Do I have to receive permission before I ask about someone?" Carson drawled, "She was my mother's friend."

"Oh," Hermione nodded, "she's doing good. And she's eating a little better than before I think."

"That's great," Carson said. He avoided Hermione's gaze.

The weeks bore on. Hermione followed routines. She would go to work, go to tea with Narcissa on a few days, come back, watch a movie on the television with Carson in the evening. On weekends she would write to Poppy and Professor Slughorn, and visit Harry and Ginny at Godric's Hollow. Her life became constant, and that in itself was very comforting and reassuring.

The night on which she had had a panic attack was never mentioned. Hermione was too embarrassed about it to bring it up, and she knew Carson knew better than to try and initiate a conversation with that as its topic. Hermione knew that since then, the remaining sheet of ice between them had melted. They still sat at opposite ends of the table, still kept small talk at a bare minimum, but something had shifted. Now they weren't just roommates. They were, Hermione had come to the conclusion, friends. Hermione also knew that on that night, a barrier had been crossed, but another one had been built. She had been vulnerable in front of him and allowed herself to break down. She was determined not to let such a situation arise again. Hermione was okay with being friends, but she was terrified of what the outcomes may be if she got too close to him, or if her expectations built up. So, she vowed to herself to strictly keep this a friendship, and nothing else. Nothing more and nothing less. A middle ground where she was comfortable.

It was around five in the evening, and Hermione was putting her files and rolls of parchment in her drawer after arranging them. She closed her ink pot, blotted her quill, and put them in a case before placing it in the drawer on top of all her files. 

"Miss Granger?" 

Hermione lifted her head and brushed aside the strands of hair that were too stubborn to stay in the bun she had managed to create. She was greeted by a face framed by dark, wavy hair. The man's dark eyes were wrinkled at the corners due to the cheeky grin that graced his features. Hermione was always used to looking at his face as the opposition, as a cronie of a bully. She saw none of that now. They had all matured, and gotten over most of their petty rivalries.

"Nott." Hermione inclined her head, and continued putting her things away.

"Blimey," Theodore couldn't keep the from his face, "you're as righteous as ever. Call me Theodore."

"Thank you?" Hermione quirked an eyebrow, "Did you have something to say, Theodore?"

"Yea," Theodore stopped grinning, "Clearwater asked me to inform you to make a change to Lucius Malfoy's file before you leave today."

"I'm listening," Hermione took her coat off the back of her chair and pulled it on. She picked up her bag and turned to the door.

"His sentence has been reduced," Theodore said, leaning against Hermione's desk. His eyes wandered over Hermione's form, and he rolled the sleeves of his shirt up before continuing, and Hermione could see his Dark Mark, faded now, "he is to be kept under house arrest for the next seven years. His wand is going to be snapped, and he will be monitored. We're to send an owl to Narcissa Malfoy."

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