Chapter 25

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Draco waited impatiently at the foot of the marble stairs. It was nearing seven. 

He had used his time wisely, by recasting the spells on himself, and carrying out a lone scout to the Slytherin common room. He had stood in front of the portrait for a long, long time. Finally he decided against going inside and headed to one of the bathrooms instead. 

"Looking good, Bones," Theodore patted his shoulder. Pansy was at his arm, wearing an emerald green dress and much too dangly earrings. 

"Thanks," Draco said tensely, "you too."

Theodore and Pansy walked away, and Draco felt a small pain in his chest. No matter how hard he tried to ignore the feeling, it hurt to watch them walk away like this. He couldn't even call out to them. He sighed and turned away.

"How are you feeling?"

Draco turned to his left. Potter was standing there, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet. He looked increasingly nervous, and kept adjusting his dress robes at regular intervals. 

"I'm feeling alright," Draco answered uncertainly. 

"Not nervous?" Harry asked.

Draco couldn't help the smirk that formed on his face. He had never seen Potter look so unnerved by anything.

"Not really, no," Draco said through his smirk.

"There they are," Potter said hurriedly, his gaze fixed on the top of the stairs. 

Draco turned to look in the same direction. 

He might as well have passed out.

It was as though she was the only light. 

She was shining.

Hermione stood, somehow looking certain yet uncertain at the same time. She had no reason to look uncertain however. Because she looked beautiful. There was no other word to describe her.

Her hair fell in neat, wavy tresses over her shoulders. Her cheeks were tinted just a shade darker, and she had applied something on her lips that made them look shiny. It seemed as though pink was her special colour or something. Her dress was a sheer, fleecy pink, with gold embellishments that shimmered and glittered every time she moved and the candle light caught them. 

She looked beautiful.

He couldn't stop thinking it.

He felt a funny swooping sensation in his stomach. His head felt light and airy. 

"Hey," Hermione gave him a nervous smile. In the time he had been awestruck, she had reached the bottom of the stairs.

Draco swallowed.

"H-hey," he said. He mentally kicked himself for stuttering. She was sure to think him a bumbling idiot now. Why would he stutter?

"You look nice," she said timidly. 

Draco looked down at himself and his black dress robes. They were nothing special, but she said he looked nice. He felt giddy. 

"Thank you," he managed to say, "you look nicer." His cheeks colored the moment he'd said that, "I mean, you look nice. Er. Nicer than- no wait. You look nice. No, that's not right. You look beautiful."

Hermione beamed up at him, "Thank you."

"You look amazing, 'Mione," Potter said, giving her a hug, and a kiss on her cheek. Draco couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy.

"You too, Harry," Hermione said graciously, "Ginny said she'd picked out your robes."

"We picked them out together," Ginny hastily corrected. Harry smiled sheepishly at her.

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