Chapter 18

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"What do you mean you don't have anything to wear?" 

Ginny was furious. And that wasn't a good omen. Ginny furious generally ended up with bad results, which in one case included George having been punched in the face. 

Hermione scooted her chair away from the fiery redhead, just to be on the safer side.

They were seated in the kitchen at Godric's Hollow. They had all just gotten back from work, and Ginny had insisted that Hermione drop by their place. Hermione had agreed, obviously. Now she almost regretted it.

Outside, the sky was a dark purple, just the end of twilight, but not quite night yet.

"Well, I don't necessarily own anything particularly suited for the occasion," Hermione looked away from Ginny's piercing eyes.

"You're bringing this to my attention a week before the date?" Ginny glares at her with so much fire that Hermione was surprised she didn't burn up and die on the spot.

"I hadn't thought about it at all, actually," Hermione admitted, "I'm not the dressing up type."

"Clearly," Ginny rolled her eyes, "get ready for this Friday, after work. We'll head to Diagon Alley. Oh and bring Narcissa along if she would like."

"Sure, I'll ask her," Hermione sipped her tea, grateful for Ginny's efforts at being accepting. The tea burnt her tongue, but she enjoyed it nonetheless. She felt the warmth of the drink spread through her body.

"Do you know anyone else who's going?" Hermione asked for the sake of conversation, "Blaise and Luna are going."

"Neville's already at Hogwarts," Ginny said, looking up at the ceiling and biting her lower lip, thinking, "Hannah's going as well, Pansy, Zacharias, Dean, Parvati, Goyle, Padma, Seamus, Ron, George is going too, with Angelina, as my invited guests- oh."

Hermione's grip on her cup had tightened. Her knuckles were white with the force, and she feared if she held on longer the cup would shatter in her hands. But she held on to it as though it was the only thing anchoring her to reality. 

"Hermione, I'm so sorry, I don't know what I was thinking," Ginny stood and wrapped her arms around Hermione's shoulder, cradling her head. Her touch felt like Mrs. Weasley's. It was achingly familiar and comforting. 

"I'm fine," Hermione tried to convince herself as much as she tried to convince Ginny. She closed her eyes and cleared her mind. She could fight this. She was stronger than this. She wouldn't break down, not here, not for that pathetic ginger boy.

"I'm sorry," Ginny repeated before pulling away and gripping her shoulders. 

"It's okay, Ginny," Hermione said, "I- I can't let him affect me like this."

Ginny nodded, "He is an arse."

"Don't hate him on my account," hermjone sighed.

"No, I hate him entirely of my own accord."

"Then it's alright."

"He's a git."



Narsissa and Hermione sat at their usual spot by the shop window. The late evening sky was dotted with a few stars. Hermione realised that here, sipping tea and sitting with Narcissa, she felt relaxed. If anyone would have told her three years ago that she would be sitting and sharing biscuits and tea with Narcissa Malfoy, Hermione would have laughed in their faces. But now, the idea didn't seem foreign. 

"Narcissa," Hermione remembered, "I was wondering if you'd like to accompany me and Ginny tomorrow. We're coming to Diagon Alley."

"Oh, what for?" Narcissa placed her cup down on the table.

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