Chapter 41

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Draco was completely ignored by Ginny, who ran past him with a squeal and threw herself at Hermione, and began yelling at her two seconds later.

"You're a bloody idiot!" she said, glaring at Hermione as she began pacing, "You left without telling us anything! You're supposed to be smart, you bimbo! What if something would have happened? Are you absolutely daft?"

"I missed you too, Ginny," Hermione said affectionately as she hung her head.

"Don't ever do that again or I will hex you so bad you'll regret being born," Ginny said threateningly before pulling Hermione into another bone crushing hug.

Draco had watched the exchange with mild apprehension. He wasn't going to be getting such a reprimanding from the redhead anytime soon, and for that he was glad. 

"Ginny," Harry said, and lifted his chin in Draco's direction. Ginny followed his gaze and her eyes landed on Draco.

"Malfoy," she said, narrowing her eyes and walking towards his chair. He slid back a fraction. But she only raised a hand for him to shake, "be guilty of anything, and I will personally hunt you down."

"I understand," he gulped, and shook her hand. He didn't dare give her a snappy retort like he had done for Harry.

Draco gave the redhead a tense smile before looking back to Hermione. She had tensed up, and held her shoulders back and sat with a firm, set face, looking over Draco's head. Draco turned, and that's when he caught sight of Ron.

In fact, the others only seemed to be taking notice of him then, as well. Ron shifted uncomfortably under their gazes, the tips of his ears turning red. Draco glared at him.

"Weasley," he gritted out.

Ron didn't answer him, instead he walked over to stand next to Harry. Harry only spared him a cold, fleeting glance.

"Tell me everything," Ginny said, sliding a chair out, "from the start."

Draco and Hermione took turns narrating the story again. Harry added bits and pieces in between. Ginny listened with rapt attention, swearing violently at times, but otherwise she was quiet.

"Podmore is a bitch!" Ginny said when they were done, "What a bloody idiot!"

Draco flinched at all her swearing. Not that he didn't swear, but the way she did just made it seem worse than it already was.

"We have to get Tibby first," Hermione said, purposely avoiding Ron's general direction, "then we can get the others."

"Right," Harry said, wiping his hands on his jeans, "we'll go now." 

Draco was taken aback by the brash decision. They had barely planned anything out, and Harry was ready to go barreling into the Manor brandishing his wand in the air and randomly shouting spells. Maybe it was a Gryffindor trait to be hotheaded and impulsive in decisions.

"We haven't even started planning yet," Draco pointed out, "you plan on just walking in?"

"Absolutely," Harry agreed.

Draco rolled his eyes in disbelief, but gave in. With their skill combined together, it should be easy work. 

"We'll meet in the living room in half an hour," Harry said, authority booming in his voice.

Everyone nodded and stood from their places. Hermione walked over to Draco, and they began heading to the stairs.


Draco clenched his jaw as he turned around. Beside him, Hermione crossed her arms across her chest.

"What?" she asked, her voice cold and emotionless.

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