Chapter 1

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Hermione was, to say the least, excited.

She lugged her trunk up the stairs of the apartment building to the third floor. Agreed, it was physically exhausting especially because this was her fourth time climbing up but her spirits were still high, and she walked with a little spring in her step and smiled at anyone who she crossed paths with. Yes, she could use her wand, but the physical strain was a welcome distraction.

Even the weather outside reflected her mood. The sky was a bright, clear blue, interspersed by a few fluffy white clouds. The sun shone crisply down on the world below. 

The trunk was the last of her possessions, the rest of the bags were already upstairs. Reaching her door, she shoved the trunk inside and then took a puff of air.

"Miss Granger?"

She turned around too quickly, and stubbed her toe on the doorframe in the process. She swore violently as she hopped about on one foot. 

"Yes Mrs. Settington?" She managed to say. When her toe stopped throbbing, she peeked out into the hallway. 

"Here is your spare key," Mrs. Settington was a plump woman with a jovial face, twinkling brown eyes and short brown hair, greying at a few spots. Her jovial and motherly nature reminded Hermione of Molly Weasley. The climb up to the third floor had undoubtedly done it's number on the woman, for she stood with one hand on her hip, taking puffing breaths of air and leaning against the door.

"Thank you," Hermione said, taking the key, "would you perhaps care for some water? You look tired."

"Oh no, thank you very much," Mrs. Settington waved Hermione off, "do ring me up if you require any help while unpacking. I've said this before and I'm saying it again, it really is an honor to have you here. I can't wait to tell my grandchildren, they'll be so excited to meet you if they can! Ah well, I'll be off."

"Alright, thank you," Hermione said again, and gave the woman a kind smile which was graciously returned.

"Bless my soul, I nearly forgot," Mrs. Settington slapped her forehead with the palm of her left hand and chuckled, "my memory is getting lousy nowadays, you know? I think it's due to old age, what do you think?"

"Oh, um," Hermione mumbled, trying very hard to hide an amused smile. 

"Well, I shouldn't bother you with this," Mrs. Settington chuckled again and waved her hand, "your roommate will be arriving today as well, although I must admit I don't know when."

"R-roommate?" Hermione stuttered, but before she could form a coherent question to ask for further details, Mrs. Settington had began shuffling back to the stairs and was soon out of sight.


How could Mrs. Settington have forgotten to mention such an important thing?

Memory, she told herself.

This was certainly unexpected.

She had been hoping to be by herself after-

She stopped herself.

This was a good day. She wasn't about to ruin it by thinking about a certain redhead. Not today. 

Hermione shut the door and turned to face the apartment.

It wasn't much, but it was sufficient. There was a medium sized kitchen, with two bedrooms on either side, a living room and a bathroom. There was a large fireplace which was, as Mrs. Settington had informed her the day she came to see this place, connected to the floo network. The bare necessities such as the couches in the living room, the beds, kitchen cabinets and the wardrobes were already present. She exhaled. She had the whole day to herself, provided that her roommate arrived late. On second thoughts, she hoped and prayed that her roommate wouldn't arrive at all.

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