Chapter 24

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"Where have you been, 'Mione?" Ginny barrelled into her when she had reached the entrance hall, "We were just going to the Quidditch ground, would you like to come along?"

Hermione glanced over Ginny's shoulder and spotted Cho, Harry, Theodore, George, Angelina, Pansy, Padma and Dean.

"Come on, 'Mione, it'll be fun," Harry coaxed, "you can watch me beat Ginny."

"Har har," Ginny rolled her eyes, "we'll see who beats who. I'm sure by the end of the game you'll be muddy and crying because I beat you."

"Challenge accepted, Ginerva," Harry chuckled. 

"Alright, alright, it sounds inviting," Hermione cracked a smile, "I'll come along."

Dean and George hollered, and the group turned towards the door to head outside. 

"Hello, Hermione," Pansy tapped Hermione on her shoulder. 

"Pansy, it's good to see you," Hermione gave her a brief hug, "did you get here late? I didn't see you in the morning."

"Got a little caught up at work is all," Pansy smiled, "I've heard you've gotten yourself a man."

"I wouldn't say it like that," Hermione blushed furiously, "we're just very good friends. Were roommates, actually."

"Ah, alright," Pansy nodded, "how has work been? Got into the Ministry, haven't you?"

"It's been alright," Hermione said, nodding, "nothing interesting really."

"The Ministry was never exciting unless you work in the auror department." Pansy agreed. She brushed imaginary dirt off her shoulders. Hermione took note of Pansy's elaborate attire. Formal trousers, dress shirt, immaculate jewellery. Hermione glanced down at herself, and her yellow sweater and faded jeans.

"Oi, don't fall behind!" George called from ahead. Hermione and Pansy realised that they had in fact gotten a little far behind while talking. They both ran to catch up with the others. Harry and Ginny were still bickering about who would win. 

"You both better shut it," George said, "because clearly, I'm the best player here."

"Really?" Angelina smacked him upside the head. He yelped and cowered away.

"After you, after you, Angie dearest." 

Angelina gave a satisfied nod, "And that's how to teach someone to be humble.  

"I'll keep this lesson in mind," Pansy said, feigning solemnity.

"Well who do you have to teach then?" Dean asked Pansy.

"Theodore hasn't told you yet?" Pansy cast an accusatory glare at Theodore, who quickly slunk away to cower behind Ginny and Harry. Pansy rolled her eyes, "We've been seeing each other."

"Well that's news!" Dean bellowed, hitting Theodore hard on his back. Everyone murmured their agreement and congratulations. Theodore looked apologetically at Pansy. 

Hermione couldn't help but glare st Theo. All this time he'd been seeing Pansy, and he had had the audacity to eye her in a disrespectful way?

"Where are Seamus and Parvati?" Hermione asked casually, to get the thought out of her mind.

"Gryffindor common room," Ginny said slyly, "doing goodness knows what-"

"Ginny!" Hermione was aghast at Ginny's frankness. Harry looked at her, horrified. She rolled her eyes at both of them, muttering something along the lines of 'children'. 

"Oi Hermione," Harry said suddenly, "do you remember fourth year? When I asked you about how you spent time with Viktor? And you said 'we don't talk at all, really. Viktor's more of a physical kind'."

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