Chapter 34

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Narcissa scribbled away feverishly on the parchment. There were crumpled and rolled up sheets littered around her, the result of multiple tries at penning the letter she was writing. She had to find a way to write just enough to let Pansy know the basics, but not too much in case the Ministry decided to intercept owls.

The reporters at the Prophet would have a field day if they would learn about Narcissa's involvement in the case. She could almost imagine the headlines: Malfoy Matriarch Helping the Malfoy Heir?

Narcissa signed her name at the end of the letter and quickly folded it before she could change her mind. On second thoughts, she cast several wards on it yo keep prying eyes away, enabling only Pansy to read the contents. When she was satisfied with the security on the letter, Narcissa slid the parchment into an envelope.

"What are you doing?" Lucius asked when he entered the room, a trace of irritation in his voice. Narcissa hadn't heard him in the hallway.

"Don't sound so put off about it," Narcissa mimped, "I'm writing to Pansy, asking her when we can meet at the soonest."

"Miss Parkinson?" Lucius arched a brow, "What for?"

"I spoke to Mister Potter today, at the Ministry," Narcissa gestured to the empty chair beside her without looking up from the envelope, "he has the same doubts I do. He doesn't think that this case is as plain as Shacklebolt is making it seem."

"Cissy, I don't want you getting involved in any unnecessary Ministry affairs," Lucius said tensely. His cane stood proudly by his side, and his fingers paled as his grip tightened.

"Unnecessary?" Narcissa's anger flared up, "This is a chance for us to get Draco back, and save Hermione from false accusations, how is this unnecessary?"

Lucius sealed his lips and only looked at her with what she knew was assumed coldness. She held his gaze until he looked away.

"I'm not throwing this chance away," she pressed on, challenging him to say anything against her, "and I will give it my all to look into it. I'll do anything to save them. Anything to have Draco back."

Lucius's expression changed. Narcissa knew she had accomplished her task. Satisfied, she stood and straightened her robes.

"I'm heading to the owlery to send this," she said vaguely before sweeping from the room.

She was determined. And she knew for a fact that there was no determination stronger than a mother's will to get back her child. 

"Xanther!" Narcissa waited for the family's eagle owl to swoop down from his perch. The bird settled on the railing beside Narcissa. It was a disciplined thing, and he stood tall and poised. A proper pureblood family owl.

"Take this to Pansy Parkinson please," she tied the letter to his leg, "make haste with it."

Xanther squawked affectionately. He spread his wings and soared into the air. Soon, he was only a distant speck in the sky. 


Harry walked smartly down the corridor, ignoring the dubious looks he received. It didn't upset him in the least. During his Hogwarts years, he had faced far worse situations than this. He remembered the 'Potter Stinks' badges very well, and all the judgemental whispers and rumours that had circulated around the school. He had long since stopped being unnerved by such situations. Being the Chosen One had its ups and downs. Drawing unwanted attention was one of the downs. 

He stopped in front of the large oak doors, and paused for a few seconds before raising his hand to rap his knuckles on the wood. He heard moving around inside, and the door opened shortly afterward to reveal Kingsley Shacklebolt, looking strangely doleful. On seeing Harry, his miserable expression shifted.

"Mister Potter?" Kingsley Shacklebolt raised his eyebrows at Harry's sudden appearance. Dressed in his mauve robes and standing in his respectable stance, he looked regal. His eyes roved over Harry, and made him feel distinctly uncomfortable.

"I was wondering if I could have a word," Harry said after only a moment's hesitation.

"Of course, Mister Potter, come inside," Kingsley stepped aside and made space for Harry to step through the door into the room.

Harry had been momentarily unsettled when Kingsley had referred to him as 'Mister Potter'. As far as he remembered, he had long since been calling him Harry. To know that he had gone back to last name basis in just over three days on hearing speculations of the reporters at the Prophet, it strangely hurt Harry, and was certainly unexpected.

Kingsley offered him a seat across from the desk, but Harry chose to remain standing. Better not get too comfortable.

"What is it that you wish to discuss?" Kingsley loosely clasped his hands in front of him and placed them on the desk. 

"Hermione's case," Harry got straight to the point, "I think Rena Podmore is abusing her powers by immediately ordering a 'dead or alive'. It's wrong to do so unless there is definite evidence, and there is no definite evidence."

"Mister Potter, you said so yourself that you had seen Miss Granger apparating away with Mister Malfoy," Kingsley said in his deep resonating voice, "not to mention that Robards was there as well. Also, I ordered the 'dead or alive'."

"We only saw them apparating away," Harry sent up a silent prayer to anyone who was listening to grant him the power to not raise his voice, and also chose to ignore the last sentence, "we don't know what condition they were in. Ron could have attacked them, for all we know. Malfoy could have forced her to go with him. If Hermione has done any of this intentionally, there must be a reason."

Kingsley seemed to be contemplating on Harry's words. In the end, he sighed, leaning a little forward, "I will look into it."

Harry knew that he had been dismissed. He didn't like it, but he turned and swept from the room. He knew that Kingsley could not bias his decisions just because he knew Hermione. But that didn't mean he would completely ignore basic procedures of collecting evidence before any order of search was passed. 

He had to meet Rena Podmore. The woman seemed like a hard headed fool, to be honest. He didn't care that it sounded rude. Maybe he would use a post-it note to write some obsceneties directed at her and stick on her door, or better, her forehead. Permanent sticking charm.

The idea was highly inviting.

But impractical.

Harry sighed.

Something was off and if Kingsley wouldn't do anything about it, he would. 

Hold upppp

I'd just like to give special thanks to AanshM, lavieenbellle, CissyHermiMalfoy and gcldsteins for reading, voting and staying around for so long. I love you all very much mwah❤️

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