23. The nights filled with joy were our yesterdays

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"Alright. I hope this works...!"

Dream murmured.

He had planned this for hours even if he wasn't the one who think and plan about things often.

That was more Nightmare's thing.

Before and even now.


Well, this certainly was not the time to miserly fall and lay down feeling like a garbage.

Dream put his hands together like a prayer.

Then he breathed in and out.

He had prepared all that he needed for this plan.

It was time to act.

Dust was still hiding from the onslaught of the rubber ducks.

Then suddenly, a huge bang was heard outside the castle.

"What was that?"

Horror asked, having finally made all hotdogs he could eat.

"Guys! Look at the window!"

Killer yelled out.

Since Killer was distracted by something else, the onslaught was paused.

So Dust was able to have the courage to go outside of his trusty shelter, which had been a table.

He took his eye lights to the window, curious on what was happening outside to cause that loud noise.

"What the fuck? Why is everything so sparkly and glittery outside?!"

Dust yelled out.

Indeed, the view of the castle's yard that he was able to look out with the window was completely covered by glitter.

Every inch of the grass that was in the yard sparkled menacingly.

Nightmare was definitely going explode if he see this.

While the other two was panicking over the glitter overload and how would Nightmare react,

Horror was already walking to go to his room with the hotdogs held preciously in his arms.

But then, something very unusual came into his view.

On the floor, there were tons of carelessly scattered ketchup bottles.

Had Horror died and gone into heaven?

Cross was still petting and hugging Ink to calm him down when a big bang was heard outside.

"What...? Ink, stay here while I go to check that ok? I'll be back in a second."

Cross whispered to Ink.

He gave him one last hug before teleporting to who knows where.

Ink was alone now.

"Well, that was nice while it lasted..."

Ink murmured.

It had been a long time since Cross last gave him physical affection like this.

He had missed them.

Well, it was his fault that Cross stopped acting affectionately to him anyway.


The feelings were being overwhelming again.


But wait a minute, come to think about it...If Cross is here, in this place where he does not recognize but Cross does...

Was Cross the one who kidnapped him?

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