4. Checking the inside

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Among the lively green fields, a black mansion stood there silently.

It looked almost creepy with it's dark colors and strange markings.

But the residents of the house and those who had been invited beg to differ.

Because even if it looks somewhat scary on the outside, It's actually quite homely and cozy inside.

How did he knew that?

Well, cause that's his husband's manison.

Why was he even explaining this anyway?

Oh right.

Force of habit.

When Geno was the destroyer,the voices had constantly bothered him.

Of course, there were times when

they were helpful as they were made to be his helpers for his job.

But alas, they were just being little shits for the most of the time.

Talking over him when he tried to speak,

sassing and joking about everything,

asking weird and sometimes personal questions, and even shipping the people

that Geno knew with him!

Oh god, the ships.

The horrors of it still plagued his mind.

It was one of the very reasons that he was glad that he didn't hear the voices everywhere anymore.

While musing on his random thoughts, Geno wondered if his husband doesn't remember him anymore.

Probably it was his low self esteem speaking, but he was not gone for just a year.

..What would he do then if that is indeed the case?

There's no use thinking about what ifs Geno! We need to keep moving forwards!

At least that's what blue used to say. When he was still Error,

Blue or nightmare and his gang used to cheer him up since he couldn't meet his husband at that time.

He will miss seeing their antics and overall craziness..

Opening the door, Geno found the house empty.

It seems that reaper's still working overtime.

He wondered around the rooms.

There was almost no changes except for some dust gathered on the kitchen.

Oh,that brings some memories back.

Between the two of them,

Geno was the only one who can cook a decent meal without destroying the kitchen.

So he had claimed the room as his when he had first moved in.

But now it seems to look abandoned..

He could clean up the dust later.

Right now, he just wanted to relax and wait for his husband for to come home.

While giving reaper the surprise of that his long lost husband who had been gone for centuries while doing an unknown job had finally come home and pranking him would be pretty funny, he had a feeling that it would end up in a disaster.

Hmm.. his eyes are getting blacker.

Maybe he could wait for him on their bed?

Yeah..a bed sounds like a great place to rest and wait.

Geno started to move up the stairs slowly while yawning with his hand.

After coming inside their room again for a long time,

he just straight up collapsed into the bed.

When actually, being the destroyer was just a temporary job.Where stories live. Discover now