13. Never gonna wake you up

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"Bruh! Your phone is ringing."

Epic told Cross and paused the conversation that was between them by eating the cookies again.

He checked the phone, and yes indeed, it was rather ringing loudly.

Who was calling him anyway?

Is this Horror?

Does he have news about Error or something?

Cross turned his back and answered the call.

"Hey dude? What is it?"

He patiently waited for the reply.

"Cross! You got to come to the castle right now. I can't explain much, but you go to come!"

Horror responded hastily.


He said before the phone call ended on it's own.

Cross was very confused and worried.

"Dude, I'm sorry But I got to go. It seems something happened."

Cross told Epic.

Then he stood up and prepared the pocket portal machine that sci made for them on a deal.

"That's okay bruh! I wish you luck."

Epic answered and waved his hand at him.

Cross waved back before he disappeared.

He appeared back at the dark castle where his boss, Nightmare owned.

"I wonder if they have found Error..."

Cross murmured to himself.

He walked to the great hall where he assumed Horror, and the others were.

"Cross. We were waiting for you."

Nightmare glanced at him and said.

Cross quietly bowed in response.

But when he looked up, he saw someone that didn't belong to their group.


He whispered, horrified.

The seemingly unconscious artist was chained down in a metal cage with deadly spikes.

He had no visible injuries, but he couldn't afford to be relieved yet.

"We found him unconscious on our search for Error. So we brought him here on boss's orders. Probably to question him."

Killer explained.

"Also, he has a soul now. Somehow."

Dust added with a confused frown.

"What?! But isn't that impossible?"

Cross exclaimed.

"I thought it was too...Before this."

Horror replied and scratched his skull.

"I will assume you are done with your chats. Cross,wake him up."

Nightmare interrupted with a frown.

Cross bowed again and started to approach the unconscious creator.

"Hey Ink? Could you wake up?"

He whispered while gently shaking him.

Ink remained silent.

"Cross! Don't be nice with him."

Dust grumbled.

"Oh you jelly?"

Killer asked Dust with a teasing tone.

"No I'm not! It's that Ink probably won't ever wake up if he keeps being gentle!"

Dust answered and tried to hit Killer with his bone attacks.

Killer just dodged them.

Then he ran away to avoid further attacks from a mad dust.

As the two ran around crazily, the others ignored them with experience.

Cross just resumed what he was ordered to do.

"Ink,look! There's Error! He's knitting a scarf for you!"

Ink kept sleeping.

"This isn't working boss."

He turned his head to Nightmare and said.

Nightmare sighed In response.

"That fool didn't acknowledge our efforts to wake him up even before you came...

I thought since you were his 'friend' he would wake up. But it seems that is not the case."

Nightmare observed the result and shook his head.

(Q&A event happens in the next chapter! You can ask the characters or the writer![me]

Don't be rude or ask personal questions that is disrespectful!

The questions that I will include would be notified.)

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