29. Everyone knows that the best place to hide is insanity

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Geno softly landed on the ground with the help of his strings.

Or should he call himself Error to avoid the confusion?

God, this name problem was messing with his mind.

Error sighed.

Maybe being Error was the best for this situation.

He could be Geno again when he was at home with his husband.

Just...not here.

Error shook his head to emphasize it to himself.

Then he teleported to the place where he expected Ink to be unless he has already escaped the castle.


Well, when Error first got the information from Blue he definitely did not imagined this scene.

Cause if he wasn't dreaming right now and this was reality, Blue was really dabbing in front of Nightmare.

What even-

"Error! You came!"

Blue cried out as he saw him.

Nightmare turned his head.


Nightmare said with an ominous frown.

"Or should I say...Genocide?"

Nightmare added.

Error flinched.

What? How the fuck does he know that name?!


He looked at Blue for confirmation.

Blue winked at him.

Error never had before wanted to strangle Blue as much as he did right now.

Ink knew that Dream would come.

He just forgot it.

Ink was not stupid.

He thought while listening to Dream's lecture about the safety of his own being.

Of course, Dream hadn't said things like 'You are stupid.'directly to him because he was too nice.

But Ink believed that he was thinking about it.

"Ink, are you paying attention?"

Dream asked.

Ink shrugged in response.

Dream sighed before giving up.

"I'm sorry for the sudden lecture Ink, but I just wish that you would care about your surroundings more. However, I guess I might be asking the impossible for you."

Dream remarked.

Ink made a pout at that.

But he also knew that it was true.

It's wasn't his fault that he was a forgetful person!

Ok, maybe it kind of is.

He couldn't exactly remember the reason why but he felt it in his bones.

That he had caused this upon himself.


Was there something in his past that he really didn't want to remember anymore??


Having a soul was making him question things that he had never cared about before.

He missed Cross's comfort.

Why did that thought came out of now where?

He did not deny that he missed the hug and pet session with Cross.

But how could Cross hug him gently like he did before everything?

Did he not remember what had Ink done just to satisfy his curiosity?

"Ink...Are you alright? Was it too much?"

Dream asked with deep concern.

"What do you mean? I am FINE!

It's just that...just that..."

Ink mumbled as he scratched his hands again.

He looked up in distress.

But strangely, he saw Dream face distorting into one of rage.

He could almost hear him saying all the things Ink have done while he was still soulless.

'Do you think you are above consequences?'

He has heard this line so many times when he watched the genocide timelines.

So why was his mind repeating this line over and over?

Ink felt the ghosts of his sins crawling on his back.

He didn't deserve this.

...But 'they' didn't deserve that either.

"Ink! INK-! You are safe. I'm here with you. I honestly don't know what you're thinking about right now, but that isn't real!"

Dream shouted while holding his hands.

Ink blinked.

The angry Dream and the ghosts of the ones who have suffered disappeared.

However, he knew that they weren't gone forever.

When actually, being the destroyer was just a temporary job.Where stories live. Discover now