10. Murderers with a soul

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Killer wanted to kill.

But he had to search for Error who has gone missing again.

Why did Error have to go missinggggggghgggggggggggggg.

"Killer, stop your groaning. I can hear you from miles away."

Dust grumbled out from the small hills of the Au they came in to search.

"If you stop being grumpy all the time, I will stop Dust!"

Killer replied back with a crazy grin.

"Even though this is amusing, we need to find Error as the boss ordered us.I want to eat my hotdog back at the castle."

Horror called out to them with a frown before going back to a smile.

Then he started to walk fast leaving them both in the dust.

This pattern continued till they had searched their tenth Au.

Which they found...someone interesting.

"Hey Error! Where are you? Don't you want this? It's your favorite fell chocolate!"

Killer yelled on the empty park before sitting down on the bench in exhaustion from searching the Aus nonstop.

"...He's really gone, isn't he?"

Horror mumbled and joined killer on the bench quietly.

Then, "Hey guys! Come look at this!"

Dust shouted out with a few meters away from them.

They perked up a bit, somewhat hoping that he had found the one they had been searching endlessly for and ran to where Dust was.

But... what they found was...

"INK?! What the hell is he doing here?"

Horror whisper-yelled to Dust in panic while pointing at the unconscious Ink.

"I don't know, he was just there unconscious on the floor before I came."

Dust whisper-yelled back at him.

"Uh...guys? I think something's wrong here."

Killer called out to them with a strange expression.

"Everything's already wrong with Ink being here Killer."

Dust remarked back with a deadpanned voice.

"No no, it's just that...Why is a soul floating out of Ink? Isn't he soulless?"

Killer replied and gestured at the little soul that was indeed floating on Ink's chest.


Horror exclaimed with his single red eye light big as it can be.

"That wasn't there before I checked..."

Dust muttered.

"This is an emergency... We got to call the boss."

Killer declared and pulled out a phone from his hoodie.

Then he started to call someone.


"Killer? Why are you calling me this time? Did you find him?"

A dark voice asked on the phone.

"Boss, we got code rainbow red."

Killer answered back and he made a 'shut up' gesture at the two who looked confused before going quiet.

"What?! What has he done this time? Was he involved in Error's disappearance?"

The dark voice named boss replied with vinegar.

"We don't know about that yet boss. But it seems he got the impossible."

When actually, being the destroyer was just a temporary job.Where stories live. Discover now