5. Dream to find out!

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On the surface, with the sun going down with it's light,

three skeletons who looked they were awake for more than 12 hours sat under the green bushes.

The park where they were in was empty except for the said three.

Not that it mattered to them, cause even if there were seemingly no one out.

There was still a chance of being seen by the inhabitants of this Au.

And these three hiding skeletons definitely do not belong to this Au, which would cause confusion and chaos if they get discovered.

So they were hiding to avoid that.

However, with the loud noise coming from the bushes.

If people were here, they would start to notice that there is something hiding in the bushes.

"We have searched possibly everywhere Ink, and I think we really need a break right now." Dream whispered.

"But Error has gone missing for so long Dream! I can't rest until I find my missing mortal enemy who I also consider my friend!" Ink protested.

Dream was tired and exhausted from going to the Aus nonstop.

He didn't want to argue with Ink.

He knew that it was his fault for getting into this situation by mentioning that the destroyer had been inactive these years to Ink.

But he also knows that they were all exhausted and need to take a break.

Because if they keep this up, they will collapse from exhaustion in a random Au while searching for Error.

Now wouldn't that be an unknown dangerous possibility that might cost their lives.

"Ink I know you are worried about him, but Blue almost collapsed while walking and I don't want to collapse too with no assurance that I will be safe."

Dream replied back.

"But..." Ink protested again.

"No more buts. What if Nightmare and his gang find us while we are weak and can't escape?"

Dream said, now having a disappointed frown on his face.

He searched Ink's face for any disagreements.

There was indeed a blue tear mark on one of ever changing eyes,

But he hoped that Ink would listen to reason for the sake of him and the others.

"Okay okay... Let's take a break and do the search tomorrow."

Said Ink with a defeated look on his face.

Dream doubted that was truth.

Ink usually doesn't relent this fast.

However with the search being discontinued, taking Blue who fell asleep during their argument to his home was more important then interrogating Ink who was being suspicious.

"Alright, I will take Blue to underswap then. I trust that you will be returning to the doodle sphere safely on your own." Dream told Ink while picking up Blue into his arms.

A bright yellow portal opened with the swish of one of his arms which was not holding Blue.

Dream walked into the glowing portal he made with one last look on Ink.

He seemed to make his own portal to go home, which was actually him just coloring the floor with Ink using his giant brush.

Then suddenly, something colorful holding a bat with nails appeared behind Ink.

"Ink behind you!" Dream yelled out to Ink before disappearing to his portal.

When actually, being the destroyer was just a temporary job.Where stories live. Discover now