31. Never an honest word

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"Aren't you going to respond?"

Nightmare questioned him.

Error hesitated before opening his mouth.

"...So Blue told you huh?"

Error spoke.


Nightmare answered him.

If Error was a human, he would probably be a sweaty mess right now.

Good thing he wasn't one huh?

Error watched Nightmare warily.

"What will you do now then, guardian of negativity?"

Error snarked.

"What I do is none of your concerns, retired destroyer."

Nightmare shot back.


He kind of expected that.

Would Nightmare cancel his alliance with Error now?

"You are forbidden to come back here till a full moon rise within the start of all."

Nightmare stated.


That was lighter then he imagined.

"Is that all?"

Error asked.

"...Yes. Now go to where you originally belonged, you foolish undying glitch who do not properly explain anything."

Nightmare declared with a shooing motion.

Error scrunched up his face at that.

But he couldn't deny the truth.

He briefly glitched before remembering why he came here in the first place.

"What did you do with Ink?"

Error questioned him.

"I suppose I could tell you that as a parting gift. The gang found the creator unconscious on a random AU with a soul within him. You can imagine the rest. However, he has been rescued by Dream before you came."

Nightmare explained with a distasteful expression.


Ink was no longer a hostage?

That meant no need there for him to come here!

Error felt betrayed.

But the one who made him feel like this was gone like the smart-ass he was.

Damn it.

Error sighed and opened a portal to leave.

He took a glance behind him.

Nightmare was already walking away with his back turned.

He didn't care, did he?


Welp, that was a question for another day.

Error disappeared within the portal.

Did Nightmare do something to him?

Or any of his gang?

Dream didn't know.

He looked at Ink who was resting on the couch he has placed him in.

Dream reached out to put a blanket above Ink.

It was all he could do for him now.

But he hoped to be able to do more.

Dream straightened his back and took out his phone.

Then he opened up his phone number list.

He searched till he found someone who was named 'Carrot/Orange.'

He pushed the call button.

"Hello, this is Dream here. May I ask you about where Blue might be now?"

Dream said when the call was answered.

"Huh? Dream? I thought he was with you. He left a note saying that he was going to one of your council meetings."

'Carrot/Orange' replied with a confused tone evident in his voice.

"...Is that so? Thank you for your answer.

I will call you later."

Dream stated before he hanged up.

As much he did not want to doubt one of his teammates. He knew that he definitely felt Blue somewhere in Nightmare's castle.

He first thought that he was kidnapped like Ink, but hearing Carrot's answer made him suspicious.

...Should he believe in Blue like he always did or ask him about his suspicions?

When actually, being the destroyer was just a temporary job.Where stories live. Discover now