28. One shoe off, the way is clear!

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Killer was dead.


Cause if he's dead, he doesn't have to deal with such things as 'responsibility.'

"Killer, stop lying on the floor. You're blocking the way."

Dust grumbled.

"But I don't want to deal with a angry octopus-"

Killer groaned out.

This was getting nowhere.

Dust needed to do something. But what?

He heard papyrus made a suggestion.

Dust nodded as an agreement this time.

He surrounded Killer with blue magic without a warning.


Killer exclaimed before he got thrown out of the room.

That was easy.

Dust madly laughed.

When he looked at his ghost again, he found Papyrus being pleased by his actions.

Well, he lived to please.

...Not really.

Dust internally shrugged.

He walked outside to check if Killer was still alive.

"Dust!That wasn't very nice ya know~?"

Killer singsonged in a very annoying tone.

"Since when did you care about 'nice'?"

Dust deadpanned.

"Since you thrown me out the room!"

Killer replied with a shit-eating grin.

He even made a motion of checking a clock that didn't exist just for the sake of irritating Dust.

But then, he saw the ketchup bottles that was scattered across the opposite

side of the hallway they were in.

"Oh. Wow. That. Is..."

Killer started speaking like a robot from his shock.

"What are you looking at- Ketchup?!"

Dust cried out.

Horror felt like leaping around in joy if he weren't too lazy to do that.

But then, he saw two familiar figures across the hallway.

"Dust and Killer?"

Horror mumbled, momentary pausing from his inhalation of the ketchup covered hotdogs.

It seemed like they finally stopped panicking and came out of the room.

Horror couldn't exactly understand what they were saying to each other at this distance.

It all sounded like mumbles that was very hard to decipher.

He turned to see if Cross had noticed them too.

He found that Cross was watching him.

"Can you hear them?Because I can't."

Horror asked Cross.

Surprise and concern begin to cover Cross's expression.

"You can't hear them?"

Cross exclaimed.

"Yup. How about you?"

Horror questioned him again.

"I can. Horror, it seems something was included in the ketchup. May I...?"

Cross observed.

"Sure, go ahead."

Horror told him with a deep chuckle.

Even if he got the permission, Cross felt a little hesitant.

When he still had an AU where he belonged, there were no such things as checks.

He felt like they were things that revealed the personal information and emotions of a person to another.

How could anyone trust him enough to allow this action?

But Horror agreed.

Cross clenched his fists.

He shouldn't hesitate no longer. He had to get used to this.

He acted.

*Horror - ATK DEF

*One of your colleagues. He came from a starving world. Is currently curious about something. Has a temporary curse.

*The hearing curse.

(Effect: The target of this curse's Hearing becomes reduced. Time left: One hour.)

When actually, being the destroyer was just a temporary job.Where stories live. Discover now