Good Girls

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It took all the strength you could muster to look past Kylo and avoid his gaze, ignoring the sound of the lock clicking and instead staring at the mirrored wall behind him, giving you a perfect view of the curls resting on the back of his head and his muscular frame. The few inches between the two of your bodies was the only thing keeping you from losing control, keeping you from throwing yourself onto him and making the first move.

When Ren took a step forward, you took one back, your eyes finally meeting his blank mask as you played a game of cat and mouse, a game with an obvious winner. Kylo stopped stalking you once your back met the mirrored wall behind you, its cool surface sending cascading shivers across your shoulders, but the sensations Kylo's emotionless stare gave you were far worse.

"So my pet," Kylo's voice switched from a metallic tone to a deep baritone as he released the hatches of his helmet, tossing it to the side without a thought. "I suppose you're getting what you wanted."

You lifted your chin as he took one small step forward, biting down on your lip to keep it from quivering with anticipation.

"You should be proud, Supreme Leader." Your voice remained monotone as you clasped your hands in front of you, feigning relaxation, "I'm doing a great service for your precious First Order."

His lips quirked, but his eyes told you his expression was humorless, obviously displeased with you.

"Oh, but you've disobeyed me, haven't you?" his voice was barely more than a whisper, but the tone was threatening. "Haven't I told you what your place was, little whore? Aren't you here to serve me?"

Kylo's words sent more shivers down your spine than the cool mirror did. You tried to calm your breathing as he took yet another step forward, removing his leather gloves and tossing them to join his helmet as he did so.

Though your focus over the past few weeks had been on training, you begrudgingly noticed how badly you wanted Kylo, the lack of sexual contact between the two of you only heightening that. Everytime he straddled you while training, everytime he pinned you, yanked you by the hair, or grasped your throat between his fingers, your breath would hitch and that familiar ache in between your legs and in the pit of your stomach threatened to make you burst at the seams.

You bit down on the inside of your cheek and held your breath as Ren closed the space in between you and leaned forward, his lips brushing the shell of your ear.

"And you know what happens when you disobey me, don't you, little whore?"

Various thoughts pinged around your head as you tried to figure out a smartass response, knowing Kylo was also trying to decipher the thoughts in your head. You knew what he wanted from you right now: he wanted you to submit, to say a quick "yes sir" and move on so you could release the sexual tension you both obviously had. But on the other hand, you were far from willing to give up the little power you had, even though you knew you always gave into him.

Gritting your teeth and giving into your submissive side, you avoided eye contact and whispered, "Yes daddy," as sarcastically as you could, thinking he would hate it.

But his smirk told you otherwise.

"Hmm, deciding to play the role of submissive today, are you? I suppose Daddy has taught you something after all."

His bare fingers traced your jawline before settling beneath your chin, tilting your face up to look at him. His eyes practically gleamed with satisfaction, with a burning lust to fuck you into the next galactic system.

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