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General Hux spent the entirety of the trip to the Finalizer briefing you on the personality and behaviorisms of the Supreme Leader.  He vaguely stated that Ren tended to be 'rough' and 'aggressive'.

"So I'm assuming that his past mistresses haven't lasted very long,"

Hux nodded at you grimly.

"Your assumption would be correct. However, the First Order has never formally hired a woman like you to work as an employee,"

You scowled at him, not liking the way 'woman like you' rolled off his tongue.

"I'll remind you again that I take my profession seriously, I expect you to do the same."

Hux simply rolled his eyes and continued.

"The women Ren has been with in the past weren't paid or experienced in this line of work, which actually may explain why they didn't stick around."

He leaned forward in his seat slightly, resting his arms on his steel desk firmly attached to the floor of the shuttle.

"Despite your prestige and experience, don't think for a second that Ren will go easy on you.  I won't lie, I am somewhat concerned for your well being."

Now it was your turn to roll your eyes.

"I'm a big girl, I can handle myself.  I've worked in this business for a long time and dealt with many powerful men,"
You smirked at him and leaned forward as well.  "I'm sure I can handle another big oaf."

Hux sighed and stood up from his seat, turning away from you to face the dark window and the stars passing by.

"My dear, you'll soon find that the Supreme Leader is very different from a normal man," he turned towards you and raised an eyebrow.  "I wouldn't let myself be too cocky or confident in his presence if I were you."

You leaned back in your seat and twirled your hair idly, showing your self-assurance.

You were far from worried about this new job.  You were being paid a tremendous amount of credits and being treated like your job was dangerous, making you feel smug and important.

"Alright, moving on. What else do I need to know?"

Hux carried on and told you about the things the Supreme Leader liked and didn't like. 

Apparently, Ren was fond of the finer things in life and nothing he had access to was cheap, including his women.  This meant that you had to ensure that you didn't look like just another whore, another cheap prostitute who smelled like cigarettes and sloppy sex. 

Again, this was something you were used to.  All of the men you worked with now expected chivalry and class.  You hadn't worked with cheap men who didn't care what their woman looked like in years.  You held yourself to a higher standard than the newest recruited women and you were often confused with the wives of the richest men on Canto Bight.

You learned that Ren was very big on dominance, meaning he greatly disliked women who wanted to take control in the bedroom.

You held in a laugh when you heard this, partly because you were confident that you would be able to change his mind and allow you to be in charge, but partly because you wondered why Hux even had that information.

Powerful men liked to be dominant, but more often than not, you found your clients letting you take control.  They sometimes liked to be powerless instead of always being the ones with the upper hand.

Little Plaything (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now