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As you sat in the hot bath, you couldn't help but let your mind wander to thoughts of Kylo Ren.

Usually, you weren't attracted to your clients.  You'd get the man into a room, do what he wanted you to, received your payment, and then you sent him on his way, preparing yourself for the next client.

But something about Kylo, something about his build, about the way his body moved, the way he spoke to you, his cocky arrogance and his way with sexy words, drove you absolutely crazy

Just thinking about his hands around your throat and his aggressive lips on yours made you clench your thighs together in the bathtub, your intimate areas practically throbbing with want.

You knew you were there to please him, but you couldn't help but wonder if he was as skilled as he thought he was.  You wondered how his mouth would feel trailing down your skin, how his digits would tease you as they made their way down to your sex, how it would feel to run your fingers through his luxurious hair, how-

You sank down underneath the water, trying to snap yourself out of your sexual fantasies.  With a sigh, you finished up your bath and climbed out of the tub, wrapping your hair and body in enormous towels as you headed back to your room.

After drying off, you slipped back into your bathrobe, leaving your hair up in a towel, and plopped down at your desk.  You began to make notes about the topics of conversation for later that night, the things you wanted to make sure Kylo was aware of, what your limits were, and what you were willing to do.  You wondered if he was serious about not having limits, if he really was down to do anything. 

A notification on your data pad ripped you from your task, message popping up from an unknown identification number. 
     I expect you to meet me in the set     
     place at 0600.
You rolled your eyes at the message, knowing right away that it was from Ren.  You mentally made a note to break your habit of rolling your eyes, remembering how Kylo reacted to that.

You glanced at your clock and groaned, you had way too much time on your hands, and you knew it wouldn't really take long for you to get ready.

Deciding to stay in your bathrobe for a little while longer, you began to wander around your quarters, looking for something to entertain yourself.  After piddling around for a couple hours, your decided to try your luck and see if you could get into Kylo's quarters.

You practically squealed with delight when the door swung open at your touch, realizing that Kylo was in too much of a hurry to lock the door behind him.

You hesitantly stepped into his quarters, the door leading directly to his bedroom. Your mouth dropped open as you looked around: somehow his room looked even bigger than yours. The bed was absolutely massive, which, you realized was probably intentionally large for the kind of sex he liked to have. The bathroom was also ridiculously huge with an enormous standing shower with a glass door.

You continued to poke around his quarters, probably not being as careful as you should have, but you didn't care. You wanted to learn as much as you possibly could about this mysterious, sexy man, who so far, hadn't chosen to share personal information with you.

You felt your heart stop as you pulled open one of his bureau drawers, a sick, nervous excitement building inside of you.

The drawer was filled to the brim with various sexual objects: handcuffs, blindfolds, vibrators...everything you could possibly think of. So I guess he does know his stuff.

You felt the blood drain from your face when you opened the next drawer, finding a large assortment of what appeared to be weapons. You hesitantly picked up a sharp object, but gasped when you accidentally dropped it and it sliced open your finger.


You hurriedly picked the object off the floor and dropped it back into the draw, slamming it shut as you hurried out of his room and back into your own quarters.

You slammed the door behind you and leaned back against it, your heart hammering in your chest.  Hux had warned you of Ren's sexual tastes, but you weren't expecting something so violent.

You had experienced a lot in your years of work, and you put up with all kinds of different treatment.  But you drew the line when it came to dangerous objects like that. You knew your limits, now you just had to make sure that Kylo knew them as well.

You looked down at your sliced finger and cursed to yourself again: it was bleeding way more than you thought it would. You hustled around your quarters, successfully finding bandages and a cloth to wipe up the drops of blood on the floor.

After you cleaned up after your mishap, you decided it was probably time to get ready for your meeting.

You grinned to yourself as you went through your closet, looking for a dress that would mess with him, continue to tease him while you still could.

You decided on a long, low cut black dress with a slit that stopped mid thigh.   You studied yourself in the long mirror on the back of the closet door as you slipped it on and zipped it up.  The dress accentuated your curves perfectly, hugging your ass and breasts just right. 

After deciding on shoes and pulling your hair up into low bun, you grabbed your data pad and made your way out of your quarters, leaving at just the right time for you to be fashionably late. 

Confidence surrounded you as you made your way down the halls of the Finalizer, feeling the eyes and gaping mouths that watched you.  Your heels clicked with purpose, your hips swinging deliciously, and breasts bouncing ever so slightly with each step.

You held your breath as you neared the set meeting room, nodding to a pair of Storm Troopers waiting outside of the door. 

Burying your excitement, you made your way into the room. 

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