It Wasn't Always a Choice.

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*AN: Hello to everyone who is still reading this fic!  I know I promised this fic would be super smutty, and I hope I have delivered what you have expected! With that said, this chapter is a little less exciting just so I can help build the plot, unfortunately, I feel like a story looses value if it's all smut and no plot, lol. Hopefully, it's easy to follow and you can kinda see what y/n is dealing with.  But no worries, the smut for this fic his here to stay! I hope you all are enjoying the storyline and if you have any ideas about plot or smut, please let me know! 

Ok, ok I'll let y'all get into it. 

End AN* 


"I swear to the fucking gods..."

Your alarm was screaming at you incessantly for the third time, trying to wake your sleep-deprived ass up for the mission.

Your first mission.

Slamming your fist into the top of the alarm, you silenced it, groaning as you sat up and rubbed your eyes with your palms.

This mission was the reason you had been training the past few weeks, the reason you put yourself through rigorous physical preparations and subject yourself to a lack of sleep. The reason you had been deprived of the Supreme Leader's dick for so long...

You sighed as the memory from the afternoon before flooded your memory. The way he knelt at your feet, the way he pleaded with you, begged you to fuck him...

My my, how the tables have turned.

You relished the power he finally let you have over him, though you had to admit it, you never truly expected him to hand over his power. His irrevocable need to be in control, his need to subdue others, to exert his power, was beyond obvious.

It was a need you often felt yourself.

Just the thought of him knelt before you, imagining the sound of him whimpering for you, whispering your name...

You shook your head, snapping yourself out of the fantasy.

As much as you loved to be in control, you couldn't deny how you adored Ren dominating you, how you craved to let yourself fall apart at your touch.

And it fucking terrified you.

I can't let him be in complete control. I can't be that weak again...

With a soft yawn, you pushed yourself into a sitting position and swung your feet over the side of the bed, allowing the cool floors to distract you from the old memories of anxious feelings that threatened to resurface.

You spent so many years of your life living in fear, of not knowing what would come next. And you weren't willing to surrender yourself to that again.

Not even for some dick. Albeit, some incredible, Supreme Leader dick.

Glancing at the time, you hurried to pull on the slick, black uniform a droid had left inside your quarters the night before, not willing to subject yourself to wearing the little golden bikini. Yet.

The pants were thick, designed to protect your skin but still allow you to move and they fit snuggly to your figure. You grunted as you pulled a thin black turtleneck over your head to layer under the leather jacket that was also left for you, the red First Order insignia placed with purpose over your left breast.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2021 ⏰

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