Ugh, Pet Names

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"Rise and shine, little whore."

You bolted straight up in bed, looking around blearily for the husky voice you just heard. You sighed as you rubbed your eyes, Ren slowly coming into focus, standing at the foot of your bed.

You glanced past him at the clock on your desk and groaned, flopping back down onto the mattress and yanking the grey comforter over your head.

"What are you doing up so fucking early?"

The blankets were suddenly ripped from you, revealing your near naked body, only covered by silky lingerie.

"If I remember correctly, I told you we would start today."

You sat up and looked at him making his way towards the side of the bed, obviously having just used the Force to deprive you of your warm blankets.

"But why so early?"

He stood next to you, raising an eyebrow.

"You're here to please me, are you not?"

You nodded begrudgingly, still wiping sleep from your eyes.

"Well, it would please me greatly to fuck you before I attend to work."

You yawned as you pulled a hair tie from your wrist and yanked your hair up into a messy high ponytail.

"I'm not entirely sure that's what you want, I don't look very cute right now."

You looked at him in shock as he began to pull his black t-shirt over his head before plopping next to you.

"You look good enough to me right now, little whore."

Scooting away from him, you rolled your eyes.

"You have to stop calling me that, I'm-"

He cut you off by straddling your waist and gripping your neck in his hand.

"And you have to start respecting me,"

He bent down and kissed you furiously, his lips seeming to burn against yours. Your hands made their way to his shoulders, attempting to push him off, thinking you'd be able to take control, but your arms were suddenly pinned above your head without Ren even lifting a finger.

"Ah ah ah, little bitch. I'm the one in charge."

You whined and squirmed underneath him as he kissed down your neck, making your breathing become more and more shallow.

"So what, you're always this bloody horny when you wake up?"

He pulled away from your skin where his lips had just been latched, no doubt leaving gross hickeys across your chest.

"Yeah, usually."

You groaned and used all of your strength to push him off of you before scrambling out of bed and to your feet.

"We didn't finish our discussion yesterday so I'm afraid to tell you we can't do anything yet." 

He climbed off the bed as well and scowled at you.

"Fine, then let's discuss it now and get back to it." 

You smirked and clicked your tongue, reaching for your robe from your closet.

"I'm afraid not buddy boy, we need to do this professionally, in a professional setting."

You let your confidence get the better of you while you looked at him, his casual sleeping attire making him look no more than a teenage boy. 

But you were quickly reminded of his brooding power when he stood over you, forcing you to look up at him.

"I'll let these little names you've decided to call me to slip this time," he gently traced your jawline with his finger, trying desperately not to look down at your breasts.  "But after our meeting, I will not hesitate to punish you when you displease me."

You nodded curtly at him and backed away, hating how every time he came near you, he threatened to send your arousal into overdrive and made you melt under his touch.

"Very well. When would you like to meet and where?"

You reached for the data pad Hux had given you and cleared the random messages and notifications waiting there: mumbo jumbo about the First Order was far from interesting to you. 

"I'm not sure you'll be able to keep your hands to yourself if we continue meeting in a bedroom."

He raised an eyebrow at you but said nothing, taking your data pad from your hands and pulling a map up on the screen

"Tonight, meet me in this room," his large index finger pointed to a spot on the map.  "Hopefully that will be professional enough for you, princess." 

You bit back a retort at the sound of the name he called you.  You hated pet names, especially from your clients, but if he was willing to let your names for him slide, then you guessed you could too.

"Very well, I'll see you tonight, Supreme Leader."

You sauntered away from him and headed to the bathroom, starting to run a bath in the enormous claw foot tub. He watched you from the bathroom doorway you as you sat on the edge, feeling the water temperature and adding your frivolous bath products.

"You're a high maintenance little bitch, aren't you?"

You looked up from adding your pink bubble bath to the water, using the bottle to point at him.

"You hardly need to worry about that, big boy. I take care of all my needs myself."

He ran his hands through his messy hair and leaned against the doorway.

"Even your sexual needs?"

Your bath bomb slipped from your hand and into the water with a plop.

"That's hardly any of your business,"

You watched him turn away and pull his black t-shirt back over his head, your mouth practically watering at the way his muscles rippled with each movement.

"Don't worry princess, I'll make sure your needs are met too."

You glared at him as he turned around, smirking at you with his hand on the door that led back to his room.

"That isn't necessary, I'm the one getting paid to make sure you're happy, not the other way around. Besides."

You slipped your robe off your shoulder and released your hair from its ponytail.

"I'm not sure you're capable of meeting my needs."

Your smug smile disappeared from your face when you saw the burning determination in his eyes.

"We'll see,"

And with that, he disappeared back into his room.

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