More than a Whore

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Once you had stormed out of your quarters, you began to wander aimlessly around the Finalizer, not having any plans other than staying away from Kylo.

You had spent so much of your life being told what to do, not having the freedom to decide what you wanted. You were just so young when you started in the industry, following in your mother's footsteps with no other family to turn to, making those silly whore houses on Canto Bight the only place for you to call home.

But now things were different.

You made the most money out of any of the other girls working on Canto Bight and had gained so much business experience that the owner of the pleasure house sought you out for advice. The men you worked with treated you with respect, they recognized that what you did was your job, your livelihood, the way that you gained your wealth. And the other girls, they looked up to you, asked for your help like an older sister and you willingly let yourself be a shoulder to cry on or be someone to beat up the gross men those poor girls had to deal with.

And you really did have to beat up a lot of men. You took the time and money to not only take self-defense classes, but to hire a trained assassin to teach you how to become stronger and use various weapons, giving you the ability to discreetly 'get rid' of any man who caused trouble with your girls.

But despite all of this knowledge and training you had, people, people like Hux even, still chose to underestimate you, to treat you like a weak little girl who had no clue what she was doing.

And that's exactly what Kylo was doing to you.

Despite how attracted you were to the man and how he made you feel, you refused to let yourself just give in to Kylo, to just agree to be his sweet little slut who would wait for him in his room after work. So for the first time in your entire life, you decided to try and take on another job, a job entirely different from the one you currently had.

With your casual heels clacking with purpose, you began to make your way to General Hux's office, planning out your little pitch inside your head. You stared down anyone who dared to gape at you, reminding yourself and everyone else that you were so much more than just a body, more than just a little whore.

Hux looked up in surprise when you stalked into his office, not even bothering to listen to the StormTroopers outside who insisted you 'check in' with them first.

"Oh come on, I'm not going to do anything to him," you called behind you to the 'troopers who were grumbling, "Just go back to your own little pathetic jobs."

"What brings you here, miss cherry?" His eyes skated over your figure as you sat across from him, gaze lingering on the low-cut red top you were wearing.

"First of all, you can call me by my real name," he smirked at you without responding, fueling your already bad mood. "And second of all, I'm here to discuss our little arrangement."

He leaned forward and rested his elbows on his desk, eyebrows raised questioningly. "What would you like to discuss, Cherry?"

You scowled at him but realized you didn't hate the new nickname as much as you hated the others. A girl can always use a code name...

"In addition to the work I'm doing now, I'd like to have another job within the First Order."

"Hmph," he leaned back in his seat with his arms crossed, his lips pursed and brows furrowed. "I'm not sure you have the skill it takes to be a real employee for the First Order."

Your jaw dropped open in indignation. "My skill set extends far beyond my 'whore skills', General."

He snorted and began shifting through the work on his desk, dismissing you. "Oh really?"

"Yes really," you argued, shooting up from your seat and trudging forward to stand directly in front of the desk, leaning onto it to get in Hux's face. "I practically run the business I work in and I've been trained by a professional assassin."

He huffed and stood up, towering over you. "What exactly are you proposing? I hired you to keep the Supreme Leader content so he doesn't continue to destroy our assets, not to give you some other little job to keep you from being bored."

You grabbed hold of the collar of his shirt, forcing him to lurch forward and meet you face to face. "I believe that I could be just as valuable, if not more so, to you as your pathetic StormTroopers," his face became just as dark red as the color of your shirt. "From what I've heard, they have quite terrible aim."

"Fine," he spat as he pulled away from you, his cold hand wrapping around your wrist to undo your grasp from his shirt. "I'll arrange a meeting to see just how capable you really are." He glared at you furiously as you smirked and made your way to the door of his office.

"Perfect," you smiled at him, sweet as a cherry as you turned the doorknob.

"In the meantime, go back to what you were hired for," he spat at you nastily, face full of contempt. "Go back to being the sweet little slut you are, miss Cherry."

You flipped him off as you stormed past the 'troopers outside and slammed the door to the office, leaving behind a very smug General Hux.

"Fuck off," you yelled at the 'troopers who started to follow you, muttering something about how you 'shouldn't disrespect the General'. They stopped their pursuit when you violently turned around to glare at them, the terrifying look on your face being enough to stop them in their tracks.

You stomped through the ship as you made your way back to your quarters, making sure to throw nasty comments at anyone who looked at you the wrong way.

"Dirty slut," you heard one officer whisper to another as you walked past, obviously angered by your disrespect towards them.

You smirked to yourself as you stopped and turned to face them. "Yes," you snorted at the expression on the officer's face when he realized you heard him. "Yes, you know what, I am a dirty slut. A dirty slut who is capable of so much more than you think, a dirty slut who could chop off your dick when you whipped it out, a dirty slut who could slice your throat before you had the chance to scream, a dirty"

You were cut off in the middle of your rant by someone, someone incredibly large, taking hold of your arms and dragging you backwards through the hallway, leaving you helpless as you glared at the terrified officers who watched as you slowly disappeared.

Your shock eventually subsided and you began to kick and scream within the hold of the person dragging you, trying to break free of their grasp but only managing to accidentally kick off one of your heeled shoes, leaving it lonely in the middle of the corridor.

"Let me go you fucking buckethead! or I'm going to do to you exactly what I told those officers. I'm gonna-"

You stopped when the person dropped you on the floor after they pulled you through a pair of blast doors. You immediately jumped to your feet and whipped around, realizing that you were in Kylo's quarters and the person dragging you was the Supreme Leader himself.

You felt your blood run cold as he removed his helmet and tossed it to the floor, his lips quirked in a smirk but his eyes were burning into you.

"What trouble have you been getting yourself into, little whore?"

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