Professionalism at its Finest

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You woke up much later than you normally would, feeling utterly exhausted from your activities the previous night. You groaned as you sat up and swung your legs off the side of the bed, your cunt aching and thighs trembling slightly.

You had slept with countless men, fucking people was literally your job, but somehow, Kylo was so different.

Being attracted to your client was a foreign feeling to you, as was thinking about him nonstop. As you went about your morning, getting ready for whatever the day might hold, your thoughts kept drifting to Kylo: his voice and the things he said to you, the way his body moved, even the way he smelled.

You hated to admit it, but you were absolutely obsessed with him and you couldn't wait to fuck him again, to completely come undone under his fingertips. Maybe he'll let me top next time...

A notification on your data pad tore you away from your thoughts, heart rate speeding up when you recognized the identification number.

Tonight: be waiting inside my
quarters, kneeling next to the
bedroom door, only wearing your
undergarments. I expect you to

You bit back a smile, sickening excitement building inside of you. Looks like I won't be topping tonight.

While you reread the message, another notification popped up on the screen, informing you that General Hux was requesting a meeting. 

You dressed casually yet professionally, remembering how Hux responded to your "whore attire", opting for a pair of slim pants, a button up blouse, and a pair of simple heels.

Following a map of the Finalizer on your data pad, you made your way to the General's office, throwing a wink or a smile at the officers that ogled you.  You wondered if you'd be able to make your rounds around the First Order and make a little extra money, but you doubted Kylo would be thrilled about that.  Screw him, he doesn't own me.

You rolled your eyes at the Storm Troopers outside of Hux's office, insisting on making sure you had no weapons and that Hux was actually expecting you.

"See ya boys," you called over your shoulder to them after you were cleared
and stepped into the office.

Hux looked at you with an eyebrow raised, a smirk playing on his lips.

"I'm surprised to see you still in one piece,"

You smiled playfully at him as you took a seat, wincing slightly on the hard surface.

"When you've been in the business as long as I have, you learn to become skilled with makeup."

Hux trailed his eyes down your body for the briefest of moments before nodding and organizing his belongings on his desk.

"So why'd you call me down here, boss?"

He sighed and tossed an envelope towards you.

"Your first payment,"

You peaked inside the envelope and smiled to yourself, happy to see a large sum of credits.

"So now my work last night was worth it."

You laughed to yourself and Hux looked up from his work, a mixture of annoyance and bemusement on his face.

"I assume my predictions about Ren were correct?"

You sighed and nodded shyly, not wanting to get into details with him. He chuckled slightly in response, giving you a slight look of pity.

"I warned you, darling."

You squirmed in your seat a little bit, for the first time, feeling embarrassed talking about your work.

"How long exactly do you see this arrangement lasting?"

Hux leaned back in his large office chair, stroking his chin, thinking.

You knew most people disliked this weasely man, but you couldn't help but find him somewhat attractive.  Not in the same way Kylo was, but in a softer, professional way, more like a chill boss instead of a man who would literally eat you alive.

"Who knows, dear. Only time will tell if your work will help calm his temper."

You straightened in your seat and leaned forward, elbows resting on his desk.

"So what exactly has he done that made you resort to this? To hiring some woman, or as you put it, a 'woman like me'?"

Hux looked like he cringed at your words, feeling embarrassed for how he had treated you when you first met. He quickly brushed off the foreign feeling, his features hardening again.

"Ren took it upon himself to destroy a good deal of our resources during one of his little outbursts." He rolled his eyes, annoyed at the memory. "He destroyed over half of one of our fleets and sent some of our top officers to the medbay for a week."

"Wow," You raised your eyebrows in surprise.

You had only seen a small glimpse of how bad his attitude could be the night before.  But despite this information, you were still confident you could handle him.  Hell, last night proved that you actually liked him to be a little violent. 

"Daydreaming, are we?"

Hux's face was incredibly smug as he looked at you, having a vague idea of what you were thinking about.

"No, um I was just thinking I should probably be going.  I'm sure you have plenty of work to attend to."

He shrugged and stood up from his seat, extending a pale hand across the desk.  You shook it but fought to urge to pull away when you felt how cold it was, also noticing how much smaller it was compared to Kylo's...

"I'm sure you're plenty busy with Ren, but if you find yourself bored, feel free to contact me or explore the ship. That is," He smirked at you. "If Ren allows it."

You rolled your eyes as you opened the door to his office.

"He doesn't own me,"

"We'll see how long that lasts."

You froze with one foot out the door, realizing Kylo had said the same thing.  Your mouth opened and closed but no words came out, leaving you sputtering as Hux grinned at you with an amused expression.

"Be on your way, darling."

You nodded with your lips set in a thin line and hurried out of the office, walking back to your quarters with your head down. 

As you prepared for the evening, that one sentence that both Kylo and Hux had said kept playing over and over in your mind, like a song on repeat. 

These men really think they can control me, think they own me...

I guess I'll just have to show them how wrong they really are.

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