Chapter Nine - Birthday

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AYO @LocalLesbianUwU HERE LMAO. Chapter nine, finally, after 7 months! So sorry, hope y'all haven't given up on this book lol <3 more (but slow) and better written chapters to come soon. Sincerely, these two idiots~


Lafayette entered the office, his eyes filled with worry. He saw Steven sitting there, his arms crossed. He didn't dare look the secretary in the eye. "You two, sit down, now,"

Laf nodded and sat next to Steven. Michel sat down next to Laf, looking at their lap. "Now, tell me why you thought it to be a good idea to start a fight?" "Steven was being a dick to La- Marie!" Michel yelled, clenching their fists. Lafayette cringed at his deadname. "Language, young man. You will all be getting detention for this." He said, glaring at the three kids. Lafayette nodded, Michel groaned, and Steven gave him a flabbergasted look. "But sir!" "Steven I do not want to hear it," Steven nodded and sighed.


Laf sighed and buried his head in his hands. He hated detention.

Steven threw a piece of paper at him. "Stop it, asshole." Laf mumbled, throwing the paper back. Steven threw another piece of paper. Lafayette groaned and ripped it apart, glaring at him. They were left unsupervised - for some reason - so Steven was just picking on Laf. Lafayette quickly pulled out his phone as he had gotten a text.

Turtle🏳️‍🌈🐢: Laf, you're supposed to come over and watch Heathers ;((

FrenchBoi: I know. I got detention Jack.

Turtle🏳️‍🌈🐢: why?

FrenchBoi: fight

<<<Large time skip>>>

Lafayette sat alone in his room, so far spending his sixteenth birthday alone. He checked his phone, sighing. Nobody would talk to him today, and it was a little disappointing. He had spent his fifteenth birthday alone, and he didn't want to spend his sixteenth alone too.

Hercules, on the other hand, was with the friend group. At McDonald's.

John sat down with them. "Sorry I'm late," he said, chuckling. Herc shook his head. "Its fine, we waited for you." The freckled boy sat next to Alexander, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "So, why are we here?" Peggy asked, throwing a napkin at Eliza. "And why is Laf not with us?" Eliza asked, throwing the napkin back to her sister. "Its Laf's birthday and if we don't do something he'll be spending it alone, like last year. We need to do something he'll really enjoy." Angelica nodded. "Maybe we could go out to eat," Alex suggested. "Then we could go see a movie, or go shopping?" Eliza said. "And we could go back to the mansion and have a sleepover type of thing." Angelica said, smiling a bit. Herc nodded. "That sounds like a plan." "Hey Herc?" "'Sup John?" "Quick question, so it's been like, two years, are you and Laf still pulling that "fake boyfriends" thing for his parents?" "No, why?" "No reason, no reason." "Well, I'll text Laf and then we'll meet up here, and go pick him up, kay?" Everyone nodded. Alex stood up and started towards the counter. "I'm gonna get some soda.. aw fuck, I don't have any money." John walked with him, handing him some cash. Herc left with everyone else while the other two stayed behind.

Hercules started walking down the street, watching as Angelica's car passed him. "Damn her, being old enough to drive.." He mumbled, pulling out his phone.

HeRcY~: Hey Laf! Happy birthday :)

LaffyTaffyWaffy~: Hey herc. Thank you :D

HeRcY~: I know you spent your bday alone last year, so I was wondering if you wanted to hang with the squad? We wanna make today a good day for you(:

LaffyTaffyWaffy~: Duh!

Herc smiled in victory, shooting back "Cool! See you soon, 3:30?" before putting his phone away.


Laf sighed as he climbed into Angelica's car, giving his friends a smile. "Hey guys. Where are we going?" "Olive Garden," Herc said, sighing with a small smile. Laf giggled. "Fancy." Herc chuckled. "Very." Angelica started the car and sighed. The ride was mostly silent, but they soon got to Olive Garden. They went inside and were lead to a booth. Laf slid in, Herc next to him, Angelica next to him. John, Alex, Peggy, and Eliza sat on the other side. Peggy and Alex shoved each other about, bickering about not having enough room. 'Ah, best friends.' Laf thought, snickering. John shook his head and put his hands over his eyes. "Guys-" "Shut up freckles, let us fight." Peggy mumbled. John sighed. Laf scanned the menu, knowing he was probably going to end up getting what he normally got. Bread sticks and spaghetti.



Hey y'all :D sorry abt the short chapter lol. Yes, all the middle school shit was basically just a plot device for Laf's backstory - yes, this story is a highschool AU lmao. Sorry for being gone for so long, no motivation and writers block 👹

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