Chapter two- Dyspohoria at dinner

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Laf and his family started driving to a restaurant to eat dinner. Laf and Michael still didnt know where they were going yet. Their dad kept looking back at him smiling. Laf kept running through options in his head. *hmm.. subway.... Popeyes?...*

When they pulled up to a restaurant they quickly realised it was.... "Applebees?" Laf said with confusion. "What are we doing at APPLEBEES?" "Well, We are here for Aunt Patty's birthday!" His mom yelled out happily. Lafayette's dad smiled as big as he could. Micheal muttered under his breath "what... I missed my game for this?..."
     What's so bad about Aunt patty you may ask? Well shes great except for the fact that she hates the LGBTQ community with a passion. Lafayette's plan was to come out at dinner but that idea would have to be postponed. And Applebees is her favorite restaurant. (like what)

    Lafayette walked up to Aunt Patty "Hello and  Happy birthday!" Lafayette said using the cheeriest tone he could. "Aww, my sweet little girl.  You've gotten so big! Do you have a boyfriend yet Marie?" Lafayette grimaced. "Haha no I am single." "Aww but why? you're so pretty and smart!  Lafayette chuckled and asked to be excused and go to the bathroom.


  Frenchboi: Besides the fact I'm being misgendered left and right by my homophobic Aunt at her birthday dinner I'm doing great. Also did I mention I'm at Applebees?

   Turtle🏳️‍🌈🐢:Ouch. That must suck a lot. Hope you're okay! Also, We have to talk about what you can classify as an emergency.
  Frenchboi:It does suck a lot but I have to go. I've been in the bathroom for way too long. Bye!

Turtle🏳️‍🌈🐢:Bye! Also Applebees? the fu-

   Lafayette walked back to the table to talk. "And then I told him according to the constitution, I didnt have to!" Aunt patty exclaimed loudly. Micheal didn't understand too well and his parents awkwardly chuckled. Lafayette sat by Micheal who for some reason was blowing bubbles in his drink. when the food came here, Lafayette ate his chicken tenders happily. He was able to not be spoken to for a while until the subject if... POLITICS came up.

   Lafayette's mom said "Can we not talk politics right now? there are children at the table." "Oh dont worry about it it's not like they are one of those weird leftists, or LGBTQ! I bet they dont know anything about politics." Patty said. Micheal just stared into the abyss, Lafayettes dad looked eager to get home, and Lafayette was staring intensely at his shoes.

   "Trump is great, BlaH blAh BlAh, I hate gay people, bLaH BlAh, Constitution" is an accurate representation of what she was saying lafayette thought. Lafayette weighed the options of weighing in or not and finally decided to. "excuse me?.... I think everyone deserves food and healthcare." Lafayette said. Micheal half smirked knowing that Marie had just set Aunt Patty off. "WELL ARENT YOU A SMART LITTLE GIRL! KNOWING STUFF ABOUT POLITICS AT SUCH A YOUNG AGE! *continues screaming for an excessive amount of time until they were forced to leave*" Jeez, lafayette thought. I didnt know she would be this mad.
     After a long, long, long night of Lafayette wishing to disappear, He finally gets to go home. He immediately starts crying in his bed because he hated being misgendered and being a girl and hated that his aunt practically screamed at him at the top of her lungs. He continued to cry until he cried himself to sleep.

   The next morning lafayette opted to wear a huge hoodie to hide the fact that he had a chest at all when he received a text message.

  Turtle🏳️‍🌈🐢:Hey Laf! I need to ask you something...

Frenchboi: what? I'm always here to listen and to help!

  Turtle🏳️‍🌈🐢:wellll...  WhO Is YoUr CruSH?

  Frenchboi: Umm... no one really. I'm a single pringle. 😌

Turtle🏳️‍🌈🐢:Oh.. okay!

Frenchboi: Why did you want to know?

Turtle🏳️‍🌈🐢: somebody wanted to know but I cant say who.

Frenchboi: Oh okay, well bye see you at school!

  Lafayette spent a lot time wondering who had aksed him that. I mean, who would like him? He had friends sure, and got good grades and was amazing looking, *and obviously humble ._.*  but who would like him? Eh, it Didn't matter because lafayette had to go to school. Lafayette checked his phone. "Crap! I only have a couple minutes!" Lafayette zoomed out of the house without brushing his teeth or hair and ran to the bus stop. he barely made it to the bus but hey, he did!

  Lafayette took his normal seat with Herc in seat 10, and he looked pretty bad. Long unbrushed hair, puffy red eyes from crying complete with eye bags from getting barely any sleep dont make a great combo early in the morning. But Hercules didnt seem to notice. "Hey lafayette! what happened at that dinner? are you okay?" "well, my aunt screamed at me a bunch after me telling her I didnt want people to starve or die from not being able to afford certain stuff." Lafayette replied. "What? that shouldn't have happened! you didnt deserve that." Hercules said as his face got red. "hey it's fine, I'm fine, let's just go to school okay?" "okay." Then when they got to school, they didn't expect what they saw.


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