Chapter 6

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*Great. Of course my parents are homophobic. Well at least my dad is.* Lafayette thought. *At least I'm not gonna date a Schuyler sister but I don't think being a trans gay man is any better to be honest.* Tears started to well up in his eyes. His cheeks got hot and his throat started to feel like it was closing. He felt terrible and guilty. He went to bed after he heard that.

"bonjour ma chérie! as-tu bien dormi la nuit dernière?" Lafayette's dad said. (Good morning my dear! How did you sleep last night ~) "Bein." Lafayette said in response. He felt a strong hatred for his dad but couldn't say anything because Then they would know he heard them. As Lafayette got on the bus,  he was thinking of what to say to Hercules.

  "Hey Laf!" Herc said. "Wait.. What's wrong?" Hercules said as he saw Lafayette's eyes filled with tears. "Last night.. M-my dad said bad stuff. He thought I was a lesbian and even called me bad things. He's definitely homophobic and probably transphobic" "What?!? That jerk! He shouldn't be allowed to say that stuff about you and get away with it!" "Don't say anything to him, okay? He doesn't know I heard him." Lafayette pleaded. "Fine I'll leave him alone but if I hear him say anything like that again about you its on sight." Lafayette chuckled, the first time he had felt not terrible this whole morning.

  By the time Laf and Herc got to school, Lafayette had forgotten about this morning in the midst of joking with Herc and was happy. but that changed when he got to school and Steven walked up to him. "Hey girl." "What do you want Steven?" Lafayette asked, just wanted this to be over. "Well I was going to hit you, but I decided to punch you instead." Lafayette got knocked over by the punch while Hercules started yelling at him. "WHAT THE FUCK? YOU CANT JUST DO THAT!" Steven raised his fist to punch him but didn't because Angelica Hit him over the head with her heel. "What are you doing?" Lafayette said. "OW WHAT THE HE-" Steven yelled but stopped because  Then Herc Sucker punched him in the face.

Steven fell to the ground when principal George came over. "What is the meaning of this?" The principal yelled. "All of you to my office NOW!" Herc helped up Lafayette and Lafayette started to walk with Angelica and Him.  Steven reluctantly got up and started walking to the Principal's office with them. "So.. What happened?" The principal asked, red in the face. "Steven punched Lafayette!" Herc said. "Lafayette? Who is Lafayette?" The principal asked. Lafayette looked around. He didnt know what to say and neither did Angelica or Hercules. "HER!" Steven said while pointing to Lafayette.  "She's a.. Transvestite!" Lafayette felt tears well up in his eyes.

"Oh... I see.. Everyone but you *he pointed to lafayette* go out in the waiting room." Steven smiled. "You're not off the hook, by the way." Steven frowned again and walked out with the other two. "So? Are you a trans boy?" "I.. M-mhm." "Do your parents know?" "No sir they don't." "Steven will be suspended for outing you. I know you don't know this but me and my husband are very accepting people." Principal George said with a chuckle. "Wait your gay?" Lafayette asked. "Hahaha yes. Now, what is your new name? I won't tell any of your peers or your parents. But, the guidance counselor will always be there for you to talk to. He's my husband by the way." "You and Mr. Burr, Sir?"  "Yes. Now, I'm gonna call them in so we can talk this over."

After it was done being talked over, Angelica, Herculss, and Lafayette all got detention for 2 weeks, whereas Steven got expelled for a week! "Serves him right." Angelica said as they were leaving the office." "Hey, thank you guys so much for protecting me back there. You really are the best friends I ever could have." Lafayette said. "No problem! I would do anything for you." Hercules said with a slight blush. Angelica smiled and then they walked to their respective classes.

"YOU DID WHAT?" John asked at lunch. "HAHAHAHA" Angelica said dying of laughter. They were explaining their story to the rest of their friends, who thought they were crazy for doing that. "And then the principal saw!" Hercules exclaimed. "Yeah! Too bad we all have detention though. But Steven Got EXPELLED!" Lafayette said. Everyone was surprised.  After that, the rest of the day flew by and before he knew it, Lafayette was back home. 

  "Hey mom!" Lafayette said. He had nothing against his mom since she wasn't homophobic. "salut! moi et ton père voulions te parler." (Hello! Me and your dad wanted to talk to you~) "About what?" Lafayette asked. He was scared that they knew he was trans or that Steven had been bullying him."Eh bien, je te le dirai quand ton père rentrera à la maison. (Well, I'll tell you when your dad gets home.~) "Oui." Lafayette said. Then he headed upstairs to do his homework and talk to John.

  Frenchboi: I think my parents may know I'm trans.
Turtle🏳️‍🌈🐢: what made you think that?

Frenchboi: Because my mom just said she wanted to talk to me about something when my dad gets home.

Turtle🏳️‍🌈🐢: Well that could mean anything! Maybe a family member died or something.




Turtle🏳️‍🌈🐢: HAKAHJAGA

Frenchboi: Well I have to go now and do my homework ~

Turtle🏳️‍🌈🐢: Okay! Byeee

Frenchboi: Bye I'll talk to you later!

  Lafayette resumed doing his homework and forgot about his parents wanting to talk to him until he decided to go get a snack. He went downstairs and heard his mom on the phone with someone. "Mhm. Yeah babe I know. Et si elle était gay? Si elle est heureuse, quel est le problème?  je dois y aller, au revoir. (So what if shes gay? If she is happy what's the problem? I have to go, goodbye~) His mom said before hanging up the phone. Lafayette ran upstairs without grabbing a snack and hung out there until he heard his dad call him down. "Marie! Come down here we need to talk!" Lafayette gulped and started walking down the stairs.


Hello! kookieiscool here! All of the translations are rough because I had to use google translate since I don't know French that well. Please forgive me if the translations aren't perfect. Well goodbye!!  ✌😙



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