Chapter Seven - Fake boyfriend

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"So, Marie," Lafayette's dad began. "you hang out with the Schuyler's very often-" "They're my best friends!" "I know, but I'm getting skeptical. Are you a lesbian?" "No dad!" "Okay, do you have a boyfriend?" "Yes." Laf said, panicked. "Let us meet him! To prove you aren't a-" his mom slapped a hand over her husband's mouth, scowling a bit. Laf nodded. "Okay, I will." Both of his parents nodded and smiled. Laf started up stairs and his dad went to the kitchen, but his mother followed him. "Marie, Marie, my sweet girl, do not listen to your father. Even if you are a lesbian, I still love you." Laf smiled lightly. "Thanks, mom." He went upstairs and flopped on his bed, pulling out his phone.

FrenchBoi: Uh, John..?

Turtle🏳️‍🌈🐢: Yes Laf?

FrenchBoi: Can.. This sounds weird, but will you pretend to be my bf?

Turtle🏳️‍🌈🐢: I'm so sorry Laf - I just can't do that. Herc?

FrenchBoi: Good idea.

LaffyTaffyWaffy~: Hey Herc

HeRcY~: Hey Laf!

LaffyTaffyWaffy~: I know this sounds weird, but, can  you pretend to be my bf??

HeRcY~: Why?

LaffyTaffyWaffy~: I have to prove to my dad I'm not "gay", as in a lesbian, and I need to bring a boy home

HeRcY~: They know me?? I dunno how fooled they'd be Laffy,

LaffyTaffyWaffy~: Please???? 🥺 Herc its for my own good

HeRcY~: Okay, I'll pretend to be your bf.

LaffyTaffyWaffy~: THANK YOU SO MUCH


"Okay, so how're we gonna do this?" "Call me by she her while we're there - and use my deadname. Pretend we're a couple okay?" "Will do." - the next week they were going to go out to eat to get to know him, even though they already knew a bit about him- they didn't know that yet. - "Where are we going for for dinner??" "You ask a lot of questions Hercules. I don't know where we're going yet." Herc sighed. "Okay okay. I'll see you after class Laf." "Bye, Herc."


"We're going to... Olive Garden..?" "Yes Marie." "At least it isn't Applebee's..." He mumbled. "Go get ready," his mom said with a small smile. He nodded and ran upstairs. "Binder - sweater - pants. Boom!" He smiled at his work in the mirror, frowning at his messy hair. "I need to brush that. And my Teeth!" He quickly did his tasks and smiled again at himself in the mirror. His chest was bound, he had a loose rainbow sweater on, and some loose jeans - he looked like a normal middle school boy for once, and he also looked a little feminine - he was happy with the way he was looking. He walked downstairs and his mother smiled at him. "You look beautiful, Marie." "M-Merci," she smiled. "Oui." 


LaffyWaffyTaffy~: 😎

HeRcY~: and hello to you too mister

LaffyWaffyTaffy~: I'm just so cool 😎

HeRcY~: you are very cool😎😎

LaffyWaffyTaffy~: anyway we're on our way to pick you up

HeRcY~: okay! See you then 

Laf sighed, putting his phone in his pocket. Once they made it to Herc's house - which only took about 10 minutes - Lafayette found himself staring at Hercules as the boy climbed into the car. He had a blue suit on, and the widest smile. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette," "Hercules." "You look good Herc," Laf complimented, feeling a small blush creep onto his cheeks. "Thanks! You do too, L- Marie.." Laf smiled lightly and looked away as Herc wrapped his arm around his shoulder.


They sat down and Herc smiled lightly, letting out a sigh. Laf smiled over at him. "So," Laf's father started. "you two have been together for how long?" Laf smiled - they'd already planned all this out. "A month!" Herc said, smiling too. He nodded, seemingly satisfied with this answer. They settled in silence for a while before Laf excused himself. "Sorry- I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be back." Herc stood up with him. "I'll come with you," he said with a small smile. Laf sighed but smiled. "Okay, lets go." Herc followed Laf to the bathroom. "Where do you think your're going?" Herc pulled Laf away from the women's bathroom, directing him to the men's. Laf rolled his eyes a little, smiling and they went into the bathroom together. 

Lafayette leaned against the wall and sighed. "You okay bud?" Hercules asked, rubbing his friends shoulder. Laf sighed. "I just.." He trailed off. Herc hugged him, trying to comfort the other boy. "Laf," "Y-Yeah?" Herc kissed Laf on cheek, a blush finding its way to both of their faces. "If that made you un-" "its fine.. I-I, I kinda liked it.." He admitted, blushing harder. Herc giggled, smiling lightly. "Ready to go back out there then?" "O-Oui," Herc smiled and they went back to their table.


After their lovely ✨Olive Garden dinner✨ Laf texted John.

FrenchBoi: Dinner was ✨a wreck✨

Turtle🏳️‍🌈🐢: dont be so dramatic,

FrenchBoi: 😿 I can't believe you called me dramatic

Turtle🏳️‍🌈🐢: 🙃

FrenchBoi: 😾

Turtle🏳️‍🌈🐢: Yo wanna come over this weekend? We can e

FrenchBoi: we can what

Turtle🏳️‍🌈🐢: Sorry had a stroke I meant We can watch Heathers or something*

FrenchBoi: Lmao yeah sounds good.

Turtle🏳️‍🌈🐢: COol so I'll see you tomorrow 

FrenchBoi: Yep


"Laf?" "Oh, hey Michel." Laf greeted, continuing to play on his phone. "What'cha playin?" "Among Us, why?" "Just wondering. Anyway, wanna watch a movie with me?" "Sure, what movie?" Laf asked, putting his phone down. "Why don't we watch Mean Girls?" Laf smiled and nodded. They went to Michel's room and got settled down.

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