Chapter 8- Michele's secret

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Lafayette and Michele relaxed and watched mean girls for a while. When it was finished, Michele looked at Lafayette and opened his mouth to say something "I" He started, "I have something to maybe tell you?" Michele said with a awkward chuckle. "Yeah, What's up? You can tell me anything big bro." Lafayette said, curious to know what Michele was gonna say.  "I'm Bisexual! and gender fluid!" Michele spat out, as if he was allergic.

"Oh! okay, do you have a new name?" Lafayette said. Michele was a little taken aback, before he remebered Lafayette was trans. "Well, Im fine with being called Michele for now, but they them pronouns would suit me better." Michele said. "Okay! I'll always love you no matter what. But, its getting real late and we have school tomorrow so i'm going to go to bed." Lafayette responded. "Alright. Night." "Night"

The next morning Michele woke up and looked in the mirror. today he felt like wearing a dress, but couldn't because of his dad being homophobic. "Hey Lafayette, Do you think you could put a little bit of... Makeup on me?" Michele asked their little brother. "Obviously! ill make sure its natural though so our parents don't find out." Lafayette said with a huge grin on his face. Lafayette then preceded to put mascara, blush, and even perfume on Michele.

  When Michele looked in the mirror they smiled and tears welled up in their eyes. "t-thank you so much." "No problem big br- Sibling!" Lafayette said, still not used to saying the right things. "C'est l'heure de l'école!" (Time for school!~) Lafayette's dad yelled. "Ok nous arrivons!" Lafayette yelled back. (Okay we are coming!~) Michele
and Lafayette ran downstairs to go to school.

Lafayette's dad sniffed. "Are you wearing perfume Marie?" He asked. Lafayette cringed and was confused because he hadn't put any perfume on. Then he remembered Michele had some on. "No- Uhh.. Yes! its new. my boyfriend bought it for me." Lafayette said, referring to his fake boyfriend Hercules. "Oh okay. now go you rascals its time for school." Their dad said in response. Michele looked at Lafayette and mouthed a silent "Thank you." Lafayette smiled and nodded.

As the kids walked into school, Steven approched Lafayette. "What?" Lafayette said. "I wanted to know if you were still a tranvestite." Steven said clenching his fij brother?" Michele asked. Steven hadn't even noticed he was there. "I AKSED IF SHE WAS STILL A TRANVESTITE. you got a problem with that?" "Obviously dipshit! You think I'm such a little pussy that I take it out on other people?" Michele said.

Steven in response, lifted up his fist ready to punch Michele. "NO DONT HURT HIM!" Lafayette cried out. Michele ducked and then threw a punch at Steven. they kept fighting for a while all while Lafayette was standing there Helpless. He thought about joining into the fight but then he looked into Steven's crazed eyes and he was just helpless. If he joined into the fight he'd get destroyed and plus, Michele was winning. "STOP IT DAMN IT!" Lafayatte yelled.

  Michele was now on top of Steven punching his nose. Eventually, They stopped fighting because they saw a teacher coming. Steven got up and had a black eye and a bloody nose along with other smaller injuries, while Michele had a bruise on his forehead along with a gash. Steven looked at Michele and Lafayette with a defeated look before going to the school nurse. Lafayette took Michele to the bathroom to Clean up his cut.

"What was that? Why?" Lafayette asked, frustrated and curious at the same time
"Because he was being a dick to you just because your trans. " Michele responded as he cleaned his face up with a wet paper towel. "Well yeah, but you have never been this protective over me before!" "Well, Before you were born mom had me do an oath. She said that as my dutie as your big brother I had to protect you through thick and thin." Michele said glancing at Lafayette. "Okay. But, you have never lived up to your 'oath' before. Why now?" Lafayette asked.

  "Because until now I didn't know people beat you up like this. I never have had it hard, being the popular football star. But now... now its going to be different since I'm different. But no matter what we will always be siblings and protect each other." Michele said, a smile in his eyes.  "Thanks for standing up to Steven for me by the way. That was pretty cool." Lafayette said. "How about we make an Oath? We will protect each other through thick and thin no matter what. Deal?" Michele proposed. "Deal!" Lafayette said as they shook hands.

  The bell rang while they were still in the bathroom, so they were definitely going to be late to class. Michele walked to his class with a bandaid on Their forehead that Lafayette found in his backpack. Lafayette Meanwhile, ran to his class because this teacher was strict. As soon as he walked into the door, the teacher started practically interrogating him. "Hey Marie! Where have you Been? How come you're late?" The teacher asked with a stern look on his face.

  Lafayette opened his mouth to answer but just then the Announcements came on. "Marie Lafayette and Michele Lafayette report to the office imediatly. " "Sorry." Lafayette said as he left the classroom to go down to the office. He was happy that he was called down and then realized that the reason that they were being called down to the office was probably because of the fight this morning. Steven must have tattled on them. "well this isn't going to be fun " Lafayette mumbled under his breath and walked into the office.

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