Chapter One

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Marie made her way to the back of the middle school. "John?" John Laurens smiled at her. "Marie! I wanted to talk to you about something." "And that is?" "I wanted to come out to you today. I'm homosexual!" "Hmm. I don't know what that is," she said with a frown. "Oh. Well, I like boys - not girls." She nodded. "There's a lot more to know about it! It's called LGBTQ+, and it stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and more!" "What's transgender?" "Trans is when you dont feel comfy as your birth sex, so you identify as the opposite!" Marie thought for a second, a sparkle catching her eye. "I'M TRANS!" She squealed. "Oh. Awesome! So should I call you by he him pronouns now?" "Yes yes yes!" John smiled. "Well, what name do you want?" "Hummm. Just call me Lafayette or Laf, please?" "Okay!" "Thanks John." "No problem, Lafayette." Lafayette smiled.

He was finally right, he finally felt right.


"Laf?" "Oh! Hey John!" Laf gave his freckled friend a smile. "Did you tell Herc you were trans yet?" Lafayette shook his head. "What if he hates me?" "Nonsense! Laf, he'd never hate you." Laf sighed. "Okay, you're right, you're right." John smiled and patted his back. "I'm gonna go meet up with Alex, so tell me how it goes." Laf giggled. "You so like Alex." "Whaaa?! Nuh-uh!" "Suuuure." John blushed. "Okay, maybe I like Alex a little, but it-" "I CALLED IT!" 

Lafayette laughed and ran away, ducking behind the school building. He looked up from the ground and saw Hercules looking down at him. "Hey, Marie! How've you been dude?!" Laf cringed mentally, but smiled. "I've been good! Actually, I want to tell you something. You're the only one I haven't told yet."  Herc cocked his head. "Okay, go on, I'll always listen to you Marie!" "Well- lets begin with the basics. Please stop calling me Marie... My name is Lafayette," "Oh?" "H-Herc, I'm trans. I'm not a girl, I'm a boy. And my name is Lafayette..." Laf was surprised when he felt Herc's strong arms around him. "I am so, so proud of you Lafayette."

Laf smiled and buried his face in Herc's neck. "T-Thank you," Laf choked out, holding back his tears. Herc smiled, just holding his friend tighter. 


"Hey?" Laf looked over. "Oh. Hey Alex!" "Herc said he wanted to meet up, John told me to come get you." Alex said with a small smile. Laf nodded. "Okay, lets go!" They walked to the back of the school together, being met by John and Herc. "Yo! We're going over to John's house and neither of you have a say in it." Alex groaned. "Can't we go to your place Herc? I was just over at John's all weekend!" Laf giggled. "What were you doing?~" Alex and John both blushed. "LAFAYETTE!" "Okay okay! It was a joke!" Alex rubbed his face and grumbled, "Why does he always assume," under his breath.

They all walked to John's house, only to be running the other direction to Hercules' right after they stepped in front of the door. John panted heavily as tears build in his eyes. "Jack, you okay?" Alex asked softly, grabbing John's hand. He nodded and wiped his tears. "I-I hope my siblings are okay.." "Shh. They'll be okay, mon ami!" Laf said, smiling lightly as he stared into John's eyes.  "You think so?" "Yeah, I do think so." Herc patted his shoulder. "I think so too. Now, lets head to my place."


"Where'd Alex go?" Laf asked. "I think he went to the bathroom," John replied. "This is boooring!" 



LeggyPeggy: hey guys 

Angelicaaa: ayo

FreckledTurtle: yoooo

LafayetteABigBaguette: hiii

ALizard: Laffff you havent been in the chat for like a week 🥺

LafayetteABigBaguette: I'm sorryyyy


Lafayette looked up, listening to John ramble on. "Who are you even talking about John?" The freckled boy blushed lightly, smiling. "A-Alex," "Bro, he likes you. Ask him out already!" John shook his head. "He does not like me! Let's not talk about this. Do you like someone?" Laf thought for a second. "No. I mean, I guess there is Alice. She's cute, but, I don't like her." he finished, a small blush rising to his cheeks. "Ooohh. You think maybe you're you gay?" "I'm pansexual. I think I'm demisexual too," Laf said, rubbing the nape of his neck. John smiled. "Yay! I'm glad you've found yourself out Laf." Laf smiled too. "Thank you John..."  "No need to thank me Laffy Taffy." "But- I haven't come out to anyone but you guys, and you're all so supportive! It makes me so happy!" John laughed. "Yeah, I know what you mean," John breathed out, letting a small chuckle slip. "I tried to come out to my father once, he wasn't very happy about that." Laf frowned. "I don't know how to tell my parents that I'm not their daughter. And how will my brother react?" 

"Well, I hope everything goes well for you Laf, now lets head to history okay?" Laf nodded and they walked to their history class together. 



Laf quickly grabbed his phone, wondering who had texted him.


FrenchBoi: WHAT



Turtle🏳️‍🌈🐢: SORRY

FrenchBoi: What do you want me to do?! Just say yes dude

Turtle🏳️‍🌈🐢: OkAy bUt wHaT dO i dO

FrenchBoi: hOw dUmB aRe yOu jOhN

"Marie! Hurry up!" Laf put his phone in his pocket and ran downstairs, greeted by his brother, Michel. "C'mon, lets go!" He said, handing Lafayette his jacket. "Uhh thanks Michel." Laf thanked him, cringing at how feminine his voice was. "Come on! Mom and Dad are gonna get angry if we dont leave now!" "D'accord! D'accord! Calmez-vous! Allons-y." Michel nodded and they walked out the door. Michel opened the car door for Laf and they both got in, waving to their parents. They were going out for dinner - where? Laf didn't know yet.

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