Chapter 4- Sleepover

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Laf and Herc just kinda looked at each other for a while before Laf said "this is awkward haha" "kind of but I know how to make it less awkward!" Herc said. "How?.." Then Herc went and kissed Laf on the cheek! Laf began to blush and Herc blushed too. they both just kind of looked at eachother for a while before Eliza opened the closet door.

   "So what happened? Did you kiss?" Eliza said. "Well, we cant say! it's highly confidential." Hercules said. Lafayette nodded in agreement. "Ugh, okay fine. come on its Peggy's turn to spin the bottle!" When peggy got the bottle she spun it and it landed on Herc. "Hercules! well come on silly!" Herc smiled a little bit, "Okay okay." He said as they went to the closet. Eliza ran over and locked it. Laf sat there worried. *what If they kiss? what if they fall in love? Ugh, why did it have to land on Herc?* After what felt like a year, Eliza unlocked the closet and Peggy and Hercules left.

  "What happened?" Laf said, not knowing if he wanted to know. "Well, we didnt kiss but we did tell eachother our crushes!" Herc glanced at laf for a split second and Lafayette blushed. "Crap!" Alex said. "Its 10 PM!" Eliza smiled a big smile and said "Dont worry this is a... SLEEPOVER!" "YAY!! SLEEPOVER!" john yelled. "dangit John, why do you always yell?" Alex muttered. "Hey I heard that! You know you love me." Alex blushed. "Sleepover time!!" Peggy yelled. Lafayette was excited. "I'm hungry again. Let's go get Ice cream!" Angelica told everybody. "Okay!" Hercules and Lafayette said in unison.

  When they got to the freezer everyone but the schuyler sisters were surprised at how much ice cream they had! "Rocky road!" Laf said. "Mint chip!!" exclaimed Alex. "Cookies and cream!" Herc yelled. Everyone got a tub and started eating. "Where should we sleep?" Asked John. "In the living room. It's the biggest room. But for now, We are gonna play truth or dare." Peggy answered. "Oh okay I'll start, Truth or dare John?" Alex said. "Dare!" The rest of the group got in a huddle to talk about what John should do.

  "I know!" Peggy said, "What if we make him Srenade someone?" "Ooh I like that Idea! But who?" Herc asked. "hehe.. ELIZA!" Peggy started laughing. everyone laughed and agreed. (Eliza wasnt too happy but eh.) "Okay John, your dare is to serenade Eliza!" Alex said while laughing. "What?!? Okay I guess. you are so beautiful and I dont mean to sound funny but your perfume smells like your daddy's got moneyyyy!" "HAHAHAHAHA IM DYING-" Eliza yelled. "I CANT AHHAHAHAHA" Alex said. After everyone was thoroughly done laughing until they turned blue, they heard a knock at the door.

  "Huh? who would be here at this time of day? Here, I'll answer it." Eliza said. When she looked through the people she saw... "Steven? What is he doing here?" "Fuck. He must know that I'm here." Lafayette said, you could hear the tremble in his voice.  "Hurry. Go hide!" Alex said. Lafayette ran and hid in The closet. "Hello?" Eliza said as she answered the door. "Is that thing here?"  Steven aksed rudely. "What thing?" Eliza said, playing dumb. "MARIE!" Steven yelled. Lafayette cringed and was about ot cry before he heard footsteps on the stairs leading upstairs.

"WHAT IS ALL THIS RUCKUS?"Mr.Schuyler boomed. "Theres someone at the door!" John told him. "Hes looking for Laf, so he can hurt him." He whispered. Mr.Schuyler went over to the door and saw steven standing there. "What do you want? Why are you at my house so late?" "Uhh.. I came to say hi?" "That's a lie!" Herc Yelled out. "You came here to beat HIM up again." "You mean HER?" Steven said. "ENOUGH. YOUNG BOY GET OFF MY PROPERTY AND GO HOME BEFORE I CALL THE POLICE." Mr.Schuyler yelled at the top of his lungs to Steven. Lafayette grinned in the closet. Steven ran away from the house, not wanted the police to be called.

"You can come out now laf!" John told him. Lafayette got out of the cramped closet. "Thank you so much Mr.Schuyler! you're the best." Lafayette had tears streaming down his face. "Thank you to you too Herc. You are Amazing."Lafayette was happy and sad at the same time, if that's possible. "No problem! We are best friends after all." Hercules said and then grinned. "Its time for yall to lay down and go to bed, so quiet down and do that okay?" Eveyone said "Okay!" and then got to where they were going to sleep. Peggy got the couch for some reason while everyone else slept in sleeping bags on the floor.

  Of course like any other sleepover nobody ACTUALLY went to bed for another couple hours. "So what do you want to do guys?" Eliza aksed everyone. "Well we could just talk." Herc suggested. "I'm fine with that" Lafayette said. "So Hercules, " Alex said "What did you and Peggy talk about in the closet?" "Like I told you we talked about our crushes." "Okay but who are your crushes?" "Well my crush isnt at this sleepover." Peggy told everyone. "OoOoOh who is it?" Lafayette asked. "I cant say! they are in high school actually." "What? So you like older guys." Eliza said. "Yeah I guess haha." "Well, what about you Hercules? who is your crush?" John asked. "Well they are in our grade, really nice, And very sweet."Hercules told everyone. "She sounds great!" John said. "Well HE is great. that's something I wanted to tell you all actually. I'm pansexual!" Hercules exclaimed.

  "What's that?" Alex asked, genuinely curious. "It means that I dont care what parts you have I just care about what's in your heart! I like girls, guys, nonbinary people, anyone!" "Oh cool!" Alex said. "Awesome! We would accept you no matter what." Lafayette said. Lafayette was really happy because this meant that he actually could have a chance at dating Herc! "I'm tired. I think I'm gonna go to bed" Peggy said. "Same." "Me too" Everyone started to go to bed and eventually they were all asleep. The next morning the all left and went to their own houses.

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