Chapter 11 - Fruity

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mmh hey Kitty here <3 I'm sorry I write so slow HAHAH. Hamilton fics been failing me - don't enjoy writing 'em as much nowadays. I won't be leaving anytime soon (unless I'm fucking dead or smth) though, so dw.

(a lil' treat; some of my slightly older art of an axolotl at the top :D)


"So.. what should we do next?"

Laf hummed, crossing his arms. "Maybe we could.." He trailed off, unable to think of something fun or interesting to do. "We could play video games," John proposed, shrugging. "We could go outside." "Play party games." "Sleep." "We're not sleeping Peggy." "Awhh," "We could go shopping!"

After everyone had suggested their ideas, they decided on shopping.

Angelica hopped in her car. "Get in losers, we're going shopping." "Stop making Mean Girls references," Laf complained as he took the passenger seat. "Never."

After a short, loud, and chaos filled drive, they made it to the mall. "Where are we going first?" Angelica asked, looking around. "Me and Alex are going to the crystal shop, later losers." John said, grabbing a reluctant Alexander's hand. "Jacky noo."

"Hey wait!" John turned back around. "Let's all go do our own thing and then meet at the arcade around 4:30." Angelica said. John nodded and continued dragging his boyfriend across the mall. 

Herc and Laf decided to go off together, leaving the sisters to be together.

"Where should we go?" Herc asked, taking his friend's hand. Laf's ears turned pink and he looked away, shrugging. Why do I feel this way?

"Hmm. How about Rue21? They usually have nice clothes." Laf nodded and they headed off. 

"Smells fruity in here," Laf mumbled as he stepped into the shop. Herc snorted. "As fruity as you?" "Hey!"


Lafayette and Hercules didn't decide to buy anything, and after a bit of window shopping and messing about, they decided to head to the arcade a bit early. "How much money should we use?" "A bunch!" Herc laughed, pulling out 40 dollars. "How many tokens is that?!" Laf asked as Herc put the money in the machine. "I dunno like a hundred maybe?" Herc replied, more of a question than an answer. They took the tokens and played games for a bit until the rest of the group showed up.

They got more tokens and continued playing. After a while they gathered up all their tickets and fed them to the ticket counting machine - well, they made Peggy do all the work. "Awh fuck yeah! Over 1,000 tickets!" Peggy screeched, pumping her fists. They each got some things from the counter then left. Angelica stretched as she opened her door. "That was fun. We should go out more often."

"Pfft, as if we don't go out literally every weekend, not including the every other day of the week we go out." Eliza said, sliding into the passenger seat. Laf sat on the floor in the back, unable to squeeze into the seat with Alex, John, Herc, and Peggy. The drive was silent this time, other than the quiet radio and the car's engine humming. Laf found it very enjoyable.

Once they were back at the Schuyler's, they decided to watch some movies. Laf sat on the sofa, Herc and Peggy on either side of him, Eliza on the other side of Peggy and an empty spot beside Eliza for Angie.

John and Alex sat on the floor in front of the sofa, drenched in blankets and pillows. Angelica came back with two bowls of popcorn. She handed one to Alex and John to share then one to Laf and Herc to share. She left, returning a moment later with two more. Her and Eliza shared a bowl while Peggy got one to herself. "What should we watch?" She asked, grabbing the remote. "I vote on Heathers," John said, eating a piece of popcorn. Everyone agreed and they watched Heathers. Once the movie was done, so was everyone's popcorn. So they decided to watch crime documentaries until they passed out.


Hey you fucks!(nicely LMAO) I had fun writing this. It's short but I was too lazy to think of anything else. (My chapters will probably be rather short from now on and I apologize for that!) I'm sorry for not writing as quick as Sage - I constantly get writers block and I also write on my laptop, which I share with my whole family so can rarely use it! 

Anyway, y'all seen Bo Burnham's Inside?? It's so fuckin good!! I loved it so much.

signing off til' next time, -Kitty

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