Chapter Five - School Stalker

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Lafayette yawned, rolling out of bed. He checked his phone for the time. '5:30am? Ugh...'  He thought to himself, groaning as he got up to get ready for school. He took a shower, brushed and tied up his hair, put his binder on, and got dressed. He went downstairs for breakfast, and as soon he finished he brushed his teeth. "Where's Michel?" "Michel! Your sister's ready to leave!" His father shouted. 'Ew. Sister.'  Michel ran down the stairs. "Okay, let's go!" Laf nodded and they headed out the door. "Uhhh. Hey Michel..?" "Yes Marie?" "C-Can I tell you something..?" "Of course!" "I-I'm trans," he said, looking away. "Wait really?! That's awesome!" Laf's eyes widen. "Wait, you support me?" "Of course I do!" Laf smiled, a small sob escaping his lips. "I'm so glad you're my brother," he said. Micheal smiled and hugged him. "Je suis content que tu sois mon frère aussi." Laf teared up. "Tu m'as appelé frère," "Bien sûr. You are, non?" "Je suis... Je vous remercie." Michel chuckled. "Yeah, so what's your new name?" "Lafayette, Laf for short, please." "Okay. Thank's for telling me, Laf." Laf just smiled in response.


"Yo! Laf!" Herc smiled. "Oh, hey Herc!" He greeted, smiling at the slightly shorter boy. Herc held up his hand, and Laf gave him a high five. "We should hang out after school." "Err. Well, I kinda promised Angelica that I'd go with her. Where we're going? I literally have NO clue." Herc laughed. "Okay. How about tomorrow?" "Tomorrow sounds great." Hercules nodded. "I'll see you after class!"

Laf nodded and they went to their classes. Laf dreaded his first class - Steven was in it, and he'd always sit behind the Frenchman. This time he sat right next to him. Laf sucked in a breath and tried to just focus on the teacher, Mr. Adams. "Hey, trannie," Steven whispered. Laf crinkled his nose. "Shut the hell up, leave me alone." "No. Hey," "What do you want?!" He hissed quietly. "Meet me after class." "And if I don't? Because I won't." "If you don't? Your precious Hercules' in danger. Meet me after class. Behind the school." Laf shook his head

'He can't hurt Herc. Can he..?'


Laf didn't think Steven could hurt Herc, but he met the raven-haired boy behind the school building out of pure anxiety. "Hey, there you are you freak." Laf sighed. "That was supposed to be an insult?" He asked weakly. Steven rolled his eyes. "Oh shut up. I personally find you a waste of space, don't you too? I mean, you're absolutely hopeless! You were born a female, therefore you are a female, no?" "Yeah, no.. I'm a boy, Steve-" "But that goes against science," Steven claimed. "It literally doesn't though." Steven let out an angered huff. He shoved Laf against the wall, causing the smaller boy to let out a small cry. 

"What the hell Steven?!" Steven responded - by punching Lafayette in the nose. Laf felt tears burning his cheeks as he cried. "WHAT THE FU-" he was cut off when Steven punched him again. It went on for a while, until the raven-haired male finally stopped, lowering his fist. "You're a girl." "I'm a bo-!" He stopped when Steven raised his fist again. "I-I'm a girl..." "Good." Steven leaned down, looking into Lafayette's chocolate brown eyes. "You're going to listen to everything I say, got it?" Laf nodded and sniffled. "And if you don't, I'm going to hurt Hercules. He's dead." Lafayette nodded again. "I-I GET IT! JUST DON'T TOUCH MY FRIENDS, I'LL DO ANYTHING!" Steven smirked, pressing his lips against Lafayette's.


After school Laf met John by the gates. "Are you okay Laf?!" "I'm fine. Don't call me Laf anymore." "What?" "I'm a girl," he said, a tear running down his cheek. "No you aren't. You know you aren't a girl Lafayette," John said, a worried look in his eyes. "Steven told me I'm a girl. I'm a girl," "Steven know's nothing!" "He told me I'm a girl. If I don't listen to him he'll hurt all of you." "Lafayette listen to me. You are NOT a girl! Steven can't tell you who you are. We're stronger than him - six against one. Does he really think he can win against six other kids?" Laf nodded. "Good point. But he's mainly targeting Herc." "You think we won't protect Herc too?! He's an idiot, Lafayette." Laf nodded again.

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