Chapter 10- Birthday part 2

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The waitress walked up to them, a smile on her face. "Hi im Maria! What can I get you today?" She looked composed, but her mind was racing. *That girl is so cute- She's probably straight though* Hercules, Lafayette, Angelica, Eliza, John, and Alex all ordered, in that order. It was Peggy's turn, and when Lafayette looked over, her ears were red, and She was smiling. If you saw her you would think she's gone insane. But, since the crew were such good friends, they knew the truth. She had a cRuSh.

"I'll have the lasagna with a side of grapes. Also a sprite please!" Peggy said, somewhat flustered. Then, she decided to take a leap of faith. "and your number-" She said. She inmediatly regretted it, and awkwardly giggled. *Did she really just say that?* Was the collective thought of everyone at the table. Except John. *Turtles hehe* was his thought.

*OH MY GOSH- the Girl asked ME out. uh hurry say something!* the waitress thought. "Yeah sure! its 666-666-6666" The waitress said, obviously blushing. She walked away to go back to her job. And cool down. Alex yelled out "DUDE CONGRATS!" And everyone was soon laughing. "I didn't know you were that bold." Angelica remarked. "Neither did I to be honest. But when I saw her, I got flustered and Just wanted her to know. It was.. weird but enjoyable." Peggy replied. She was still somewhat red on the face. Lafayette started to worry. Not about peggy dating Maria. Not about her in love. It was about him feeling that way for someone.

He decided to repress those thoughts. Not now, not ever would he tell anyone about them. It would be.. Awkward. And Terrible. He let the thought float away and the friend group started talking again. they talked about anything and everything before their food and drinks got there. The waitress, Who will be called Maria from now on, gave them all their drinks and quickly left. Peggy looked a tad disappointed, but she was still smiling.

"So, After we eat we should all go to someones house! That way we can give You our presents." Herc suggested. "oh yeah!" Lafayette said. He couldn't wait to see what all of his friends got him, and hang out with them. "let's go to our house." Eliza Recommended. After everyone agreed to go to the Schyler sisters house, they started talking again.

"So Laf, how's your birthday going?" John asked. "Way better than my last one. It was a train wreck." He replied. "That sucks. I'm glad this ones better!" John exclaimed. They were all laughing and having a good time, until Angelica saw someone at the other table. "Hey guys.. Is that Frances? Your ex John?" "Oh god." John said, hiding his head behind Alex. "He's the last person I want to see-" "I Have an idea!" Alex joyfully said "What is it?" Lafayette asked. "I'm gonna fight him" Alex said, walking over to Frances.

  "Alex please don't. I do NOT want to be kicked out of fucking olive garden." Lafayette said, exasperated. But it was too late. Alex decides not to talk to Frances at all, and just Threw a punch. *So Now Alex was fighting somebody in an Olive Garden. Great* Everybody at the table thought. The punch missed, and Alex backed up a little. "WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM!?" Frances asked. Alex was scared, knowing he couldn't fight. "Uh..  Nothing. Nope. No problem here!" He said running away. Frances started chasing him to the door.

  "Damn it Alex." John said. The rest of the crew ran as Eliza paid the bill. While they were running, Angelica went to the car and unlocked it. Alex and the others were on the other side of the parking lot, running towards Angelica and the car. "Get in losers! We're going home" Angelica yelled. They all (slowly and safely. Be careful kids!) got in the car. Lafayette looked back and saw Feances in the parking lot. Then Angelica sped away to the Schuyler Sister's house. "What the actual heck were you thinking Alex? You could have gotten seriously hurt!" John complained. Alex looked down at the ground. Then, Lafayette started laughing. This is how he would remember his sweet 16. He was so amused and happy.

  Slowly, They all started laughing. They were practically in tears by the time Angelica pulled up. They all went inside and sat in the living room. "Does anyone know why we are laughing?" "No not really" Peggy answers Angelica. They all were laughing while they went into the house. "So what do you guys want to do?" Hercules asked. "How about we eat dessert? we never got to." John suggested. Lafayette and the rest agreed. "Wait what is for dessert?" Lafayette asked the crew. They were all planning on eating cake at olive garden, but you know, They calmly left.

  "Well we got you your favorite! a red velvet cake!" Alex told him. "It was Herc's idea to get a backup cake" He said with a giggle. Lafayette looked over and saw Herc blushing a little bit. "it was no big deal- I just wanted to make sure you have a good birthday!" Lafayette stared at him, Happy he lucked out with a great best friend. They were just friends. They all went into the kitchen and Angelica started serving them cake.

  It was one of the best cakes Lafayaette ever had. The cake was moist and soft, and the frosting was perfectly sweet. "Where did you guys get this?!" Lafayette said. He had already eaten most of his slice. "Me and Peggy made it together! We make a good duo." Hercules replied smiling. "Yeah it's amazing." Eliza agreed. After they finished their dessert, They all went into the living room and relaxed. The Schuyler sisters were on the couch, Alex and John on a love seat, then Lafayette and Hercules were both on different chairs right next to each other. Lafayette was just so happy and content. This was definitely his favorite birthday.

  "So.. what should we do next?" Eliza asked.

Hey guys! Sorry if this chapter is bad, I haven't written in a while. I mostly just had fun with it. Also, I forgot my password to my past account. So don't expect anything from me on there. Also instead of "Kookie is cool" I'll go by Sage, My online name. Have a great day!!

-Sage <3

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