Chapter Three - Old Friends

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Hercules and Lafayette stared at the tall, slim, blue-eyed, raven-haired, charming boy standing in the middle school hall. "Oh my god Laf isn't that Steven?" Lafayette died inside just a little bit. "Yes. He's changed, I mean, just look how tall he's gotten!" He said, laughing lightly. "Dude, you're ignoring how hot he's gotten?" "No, of course not. I hope he's changed in more ways than physical.." "Hope so my man. Go talk to him!" "What?! No!" Laf shouted, pushing Herc off to the side. "Why not? I'll come with you." "Fine!" Laf said in defeat. Herc grabbed his hand and lead him over

"H-Hey, Steven. Y-You look nice. Its been a while." Laf said, stuttering badly. Herc snickered. "Oh! Marie! Who's this boy? Now, did you go off and get yourself a boyfriend?" He asked, smiling lightly. Laf blushed. "No! This is Hercules Mulligan, he's my best friend!" Laf said, grinning. Steven nodded. "It's nice to meet you Hercules." "You too Steven! L- er, Marie has told me a bit about you," Lafayette cringed at the use of his deadname. "H-Herc, dont deadname me.. That shit hurts." "I know Laf. I'm sorry," they whispered a conversation. "Uhh. What?" Steven tried joining in. "It's nothing, nothing." Laf said with a small laugh. Steven looked him up and down.

"You've changed quite a bit too Marie. Your body's quite mature for a middle schooler." Laf teared up and he folded his arms over his chest. Yeah, Lafayette had a pretty mature body, and he hated it. He hated that he had breasts, and curves, and female body parts. "H-Hah, yeah." Herc rubbed his shoulder. "Hey," "Mhm?" "Let's start getting to class Laf. See you later Steven!" Herc said, cutting things short. Herc and Laf walked to their lockers. "I hate myself, why couldn't I just be like everyone else? I wish I didn't have stupid gender dysphoria." Herc looked into his chocolate brown eyes with a sad look.

"Lafayette, you're amazing. Just because you're different doesn't mean you're wrong or anything. Listen - I have a gift for you. Would you mind coming over after school?" "Of course not." After Laf finished his sentence, they heard the familiar voices of their two friends - Alex and John. "Yo!" "John stop yelling!" Alex said, blushing as he smacked the freckled boy's arm. John laughed. Guysss! Alex and I are a thing now - I'm super happy," he said chilly, smiling over at Alex. He blushed and rubbed his cheek. "Y-Yeah. I'm happy too,"


"Hey!" Lafayette spun around, met with Steven's face. Him again? Ugh.. Laf thought to himself. "Hey," "Marie, you're single yeah?" "uhmm.. Yeah.." "I wanted to take you out!" Lafayette shook his head. "No, no, no! You don't understand! I'm not the Marie you think you know!" "What do you mean?" He asked, a hurt look on his face. "I'd be super honored to be seen with a girl like you! You're really sweet, pretty-" "Steven - I'm not even a girl!" The raven-haired male laughed. "You sure, Marie? Have you gone insane?" "I'm trans! I'm a boy! My name is Lafayette!" Laf almost screamed, tearing up. "Don't deadname me," Steven's sly look turned into a disgusted one.


"Laf, what took you so long? Oh- who did that?!" Herc said, commenting on Lafayette's black eye as he opened the door for the taller boy. "Steven," he huffed, hugging Herc tightly. Herc gasped. "Why would he do that to you?!" "Still the same transphobic, homophobic cun-!" "Whoa, whoa, let's not get out of hand." Herc said, stopping the cussing storm he knew Lafayette was going to make. Laf huffed loudly. "Fine. Anyway, you said you had a gift for me right?" "Mhmm!" Herc went away for a few minutes, returning with a small bag.

"Here," he smiled, handing the bag to his French friend. Laf smiled and opened it. "Awe, you got me my favorite chocolates!" He said, holding up three different candies - a Hershey's chocolate bar, a pack of Reese cups, and a pack of Kit-Kats. Herc smiled too. "Well, keep going!" "Okay- Okay." Laf smiled again, laughing as tears pricked in his eyes. "You really didn't have to do this Herc," he said, pulling out and holding a trans flag close to his chest. Herc laughed. "But I wanted to! keep going, it gets better.." Laf smiled. "Alright?" 

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