Nerrison - Partayyyyg

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A/N - okay so ik it's been like a year since i updated this but yk i kinda forgot this existed

Harrison POV:
The strobe lights flash and flicker as if it's heart was set on making some poor epileptic have a seizure, and make the room just the right scene for a fucking disaster. The music was absolutely booming and you would think that it wanted to burst my eardrums. I swear to god, this night can NOT get any worse.
While the lights make me partially blind, i can still kinda make out Max and Neil making their way over to me, hand in hand (A/N- god they're so gay i can't). They're still gushing at each other as if they're still 10 years old, and yet after 20 years they still can't get their hands off of each other. Behind them i can see Nikki and Ered, with co-ordinating outfits and matching bracelets. Nikki has red doc martens with blue laces, Ered has blue doc martens with red laces. Typical. They're laughing along with Dolf and Spacekid, who wants to be known as SpaceMan now. He is an actual astronaut now though, which is... surprising, to say the least. Dolf is a famous painter and is (unsurprisingly) popular with the neo-nazi's. God how dull. Here i am, the night of my 31st Birthday, with no girlfriend, no kids and still hanging out with the people that i've known since i was 10. And here comes- wait what?  Nerris?

They're sporting a mustard halter top and a short, navy skater skirt that's hitched up to their mid-thigh. They have mustard, knee high socks with two navy stripes going around the top of them. On their feet they're wearing a black high heel with a simple T-strap, and a 2 inch heel. Even then, they'll barely reach my shoulders. They haven't covered up their freckles, and has a navy hairband in their hair instead of her old hat that they used to wear in camp. Their hair comes down to their shoulders now, and is extremely curly but not tangled. They're holding a simple black bag, with a white and black polka dot scarf tied to it.

I soon composed myself as i realised everyone was looking at my jaw-dropped expression when i realised who the person in front of me had become.

"Happy Birthday you old bastard' Said Max, grinning at you.

"You- uh-  said you wanted something special so we got you an old friend" Neil carried on, a drop of sweat pouring down his forehead.

"Hi" Nerris said with a grin, looking up at me cheekily.

"Hey doll" I say, with a flirtatious tone.

I'm not gonna lie, i've always had a soft spot for Nerris. Even when we were fighting (which was almost all the time), i always managed to still want to hug them and tell them i was sorry. I've always had a thing for feisty people, and if i'm being completely honest, i haven't forgotten about Nerris at all. I've always wanted to accidentally bump into her on the subway or for them to come to my place of work for a job and we slowly fall in love. You know, normal stuff. (A/N - yeah right bitch, you're falling harddddd).

As the night slowly turns to midnight, we slowly get more and more drunk and sloppy. I feel myself going up to Nerris to chat them up (as you do).

"Heyyyy Nerrissss" I say, putting my hand round their waist and another on the small of her back.  "How you doinnnn" I flirt like the guy from friends. (A/N - joey is the best fight me)

"Hey stud" they giggle and wink at me, and i lean in and  tuck a bit of their hair behind her ear.

"Listen Harrison-" they start, and i lean in to kiss her, and my lips are met with theirs.

They're hot and fiery, but lets me take control as i pull them closer to me and they run their fingers through my now short hair. They're not at all like how i imagined them to be. They're warm and gentle, and i'm cold and passionate. well we're both passionate. I just want to drink her all in before they leave. Before they pulls away. Before they realised her mistake. I've been wanting this since i was 15, been wanting to see them again. To even have a single fight with them again. That would be amazing.

"Okay thank you, but here's what i was going to say until you interrupted me with that kiss. Look harrison, i've known you for a very long time, and all my life i thought i hated your guts."


"no i mean like properly hated you. Like i had detailed drawings and plans of your murder. I mean like cold-blooded i-would-punch-you-in-the-face-if-i-didn't-have-morals type shit."


"i'm being serious harrison. Just looking at you was enough to make me want to stick a hedgehog up your-"


"Right yes sorry, what i'm trying to say is, I like you. A lot. And it's not just the fact that i'm kind of drunk now. Ok scratch that i'm superrrr shitfaced"

"no shit sherlock" (A/N - "I'll tell u what sherlock holmes, you are unbelievable")

"right yeah okay-"

"oh my god."




"Does THE Nerris The Cute like me?! Silly old me? omygod what an honour. What a complete honour. What an absolute-"

"Just shut up and kiss me"

I grab the back of their neck and pull them in for another kiss, just as fiery and passionate as the last one.

i pull away, gasping for air.

"Wow". I gasp.

"Wow." They gasp.

I kiss them again. A light one this time. Just something to keep her going, you know. Gotta keep the ladies in their toes. (A/N - okay tough guy, no need to get cocky)

"what was that for" they ask.

"You're irresistible."

Nerris' POV:
Irresistible, huh?
This boy is going to be the death of me.
He's glorious.
Fucking glorious.

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