Pocky (Nerrison)

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"Hey Nerris!" Harrison called in his broken English accent.
Nerris scoffed and rolled their eyes as she trudged over to him, reluctant to speak to him even though there was a weird feeling in their stomach, the type of feeling you get while eating a piece of fruit after you've eaten 3 tons of chocolate.
" what do you want harrison?! " she says, their lisp as prominent as ever.
"Come play this new game i found, it's called the pocky challenge."
" ugh finnnneee" Nerris says, bored and wanting to do something.

"Okay, so what you do is i hold one end of the pocky and you hold the other end, but with your mouth and I use mine. We have to eat the piece of pocky and the first one to chicken out is loser." Harrison explains.
" Okay???? " Nerris says, but they don't question any further.

They start out slow , both chickening out at first but, as they got more comfortable around each other, slowly got closer and closed and there was less chickening out. Soon, their lips touched, but neither found themselves pulling away, and they ended up having a full on make-out session.

They both pulled away breathless, flushed and out of breath, as you would be if you were extremely unfit and were forced to run a marathon.

"I-i have to go"
Nerris runs out of the tent to gather their thoughts, as Harrison just sits there, flushed and with a small smirk on his face.

It worked.

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